Politics & Society

Politics & Society

Editor: Catherine Tse
Catherine Tse, Angela Fama

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feature articles
Politics & Society

HIV/AIDS Funding in Malawi

In: Aids/HIV in Africa

By: Feature Writer Jamie Robertson

Malawi receives funding for HIV programming from a number of sources around the world. These funders allow them to provide care, treatment, and education to citizens. more...

Homeless Heroes in America

In: American Affairs

By: Feature Writer Martha R. Gore

One out of every four people and one out of every three men sleeping in a car, in front of a door shop or under a freeway underpass once wore a military uniform. more...

Inaugural Neighborhood Ball Connects Nation

In: US President

By: Feature Writer Christine Nyholm

The Neighborhood Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center will be televised live on ABC and conect the antion with text messaging and webcasts. more...

Kids' Inaugural Concert in Washington D.C.

In: US President

By: Feature Writer Christine Nyholm

On the night before Barack Obama is inaugurated as President is U.S. a Kids' Inaugural concert at Verizon Center in Washington D.C. to be televised on Disney more...

Presidential Pre-Inauguration Lincoln Memorial

In: US President

By: Feature Writer Christine Nyholm

On January 18, 2009 the Presidential Inauguration of Barack Obama will be kicked off at Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. with music and entertainment televised on HBO. more...

Tension in Catholic Archdiocese of New Orleans

In: Social Activism

By: Feature Writer Carroll Trosclair

The ownership of Catholic churches has been questioned after the Archdiocese of New Orleans called police to oust protesting parishioners from two houses of worship. more...

Schengen Information System - the Basics

In: European Affairs

By: Feature Writer Mark Resnicoff

Schengen Information System is a secure governmental database used by member countries to maintain and distribute data related to border security and law enforcement. more...

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