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Internet Site Review

Please note that this section is an archive (last updated in June 2006). [disclaimer]

Sections:   Overview | Instrument Reviews | Construct Overviews | Book Compendium Reviews | Internet Site Reviews

Survey Instruments in Information Systems



A retired professor of management information systems (IS) at the University of Calgary maintains this site. It serves as a repository of survey instruments in information systems (IS). The site's goal is "to provide researchers with actual survey instruments used in IS—either in full text or via links to the appropriate citations.

Types of Information or Instruments:

These instruments are specifically designed to monitor satisfaction and other behavioral factors of users of information systems, however, it includes what it calls, "A Partial List of References to Compendiums of Survey Instruments in Disciplines other than Information Systems."

Quantity of Instruments:

Provides about 300 citation links to surveys. There are 90 actual scales, which are denoted by a red check mark graphic.

Quality of Instrument Descriptions:

The citation links have no description except a reference to an IS journal, where the survey instrument was used.

Quality of Psychometric Information:

There is very little, if any, psychometric information provided with the full text scales. There is also no psychometric information provided with the citation links.

Scale accessibility:

It provides abstracts of 120 scales. Most of the links point to references to articles in the journal, MIS Quarterly. There are also links that point directly to survey instruments.

Site provides actual scale items:

The site does provide actual scale items.

User-friendly navigation:

The site includes a "Meta-index of Frequently Related Terms in MIS Surveys" that is helpful in cross-referencing different jargon used for common constructs in IS. Surveys are searchable by both title and construct. In the introduction page, technical words and phrases in italics are hyperlinked to definitions that pop up in a small window, while other words take the user to another source for clarification.

Other types of Information:

There is a solid introduction to survey research accessible with the hot key: "About Survey Research." Also, one can find bibliographies of sources on methods.


Users may find useful a downloadable database of 1200 survey references and instruments, known as the Calgary Survey Query System. This site is closely associated with IS World Net (


Utilization Variables > Information Systems

[Updated 2003-07-21 13:28:00.0]