
The lab measuring the life in your soil


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White papers

Abawi, G.S. and Widmer, T.L. (2000). Impact of soil health management practices on soilborne pathogens, nematodes, and root diseases of vegetable crops. Applied Soil Ecology. 15:37-47.

Albiach, R., Canet, R., Pomares, F. and Ingelmo, F. (2000). Microbial biomass content and enzymatic activities after application of organic amendments to a horticultural soil. Bioresource Technology. 75:43-48.

Atiyeh, R.M., Edwards, C.A., Subler, S. and Metzger, J.D. (2001). Pig manure vermicompost as a component of a horticultural bedding plant medium: effects on physiochemical properties and plant growth. Bioresource Technology. 78:11-20.

Atkinson, C.F., Jones, D.D. and Gauthier, J.J. (1996). Biodegradability and microbial activities during composting of poultry litter. Poultry Science. 75:608-617.

Atkinson, C.F., Jones, D.D. and Gauthier, J.J. (1996). Putative anaerobic activity in aerated composts. Journal of Industrial Microbiology. 16:182-188.

Bailey, K.L. and Lazarovits, G. (2003). Suppressing soil-borne diseases with residue management and organic amendments. Soil Tillage Research. 72:169-180.

Baur, A.J. (1934). Effect of composting on the chemical and biological changes in peat and wheat straw. Journal of the American Society of Agronomy. 820-830.

Brito-Alvarez, M.A., Gagne, S. and Antoun, H. (1995). Effect of compost on rhizosphere microflora of the tomato and on the incidence of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 61:194-199.

Brown, M.W. and Toworski, T. (2004). Pest management benefits of compost mulch in apple orchards. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. {Online}.

Boulter, J.I., Boland, G.J. and Trevors, J.T. (2002). Assessment of compost for suppression of Fussarium Patch (Microdochium nivale) and Typhula Blight (Typhula ishikariensis) snow molds of turfgrass. Biological Control. 25:162-172.

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Boulter, J.I., Boland, G.J. and Trevors, J.T. (2002). Valuation of composts for suppression of dollar spot (Sclerotinia homeocarpa) of turfgrass. Plant Disease. 86:405-410.

Carpenter-Boggs, L., Kennedy, A.C. and Reganold, J.P. (1998). Use of phospholipid fatty acids and carbon source utilization patterns to track microbial community succession in developing compost. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 64:4062-4064.

Carpenter-Boggs, L., Kennedy, A.C. and Reganold, J.P. (2000). Organic and biodynamic management effects on soil biology. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 64:1651-1659.

Carpenter-Boggs, L., Kennedy, A.C. and Reganold, J.P. (2000). Effects of biodynamic preparations on compost development. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture: an International Journal. 17:313-328.

Chaoui, H.I., Zibilske, L.M. and Ohno, T. (2003). Effects of earthworm casts and compost on soil microbial activity and plant nutrient availability. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 35:295-302.

Churchill, D.B., Alderman, S.C., Mueller-Warrant, G.W., Elliot, L.F. and Bilsland, D.M. (1996). Survival of weed seeds and seed pathogen propagates in composted grass seed straw. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 12:57-63.

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Cole, M.A. (1997). Innovative uses of compost: composting of soils contaminated by explosives. EPA530-F-97-045.

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Egelkraut, T.M., Kissel, D.E. and Cabrera, M.L. (2000). Effect of soil texture on nitrogen mineralized from cotton residues and compost. Journal of Environmental Quality. 29:1518-1522.

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Forge, T.A., Hogue, E., Neilsen, G. and Neilsen, D. (2003). Effects of organic mulches on soil microfauna in the root zone of apple: implications for nutrient fluxes and functional diversity of the soil food web. Applied Soil Ecology. 22:39-54.

Galli, E., Pasetti, L., Fiorelli, F. and Tomati, U. (1997). Olive-mill wastewater composting: microbiological aspects. Waste Management & Research. 15:323-330.

Gunadi, B., Edwards, C.A. and Arancon, N.Q. Changes in trophic structure of soil arthropods after the application of vermicomposts. European Journal of Soil Biology. 38:161-165.

Hadas, A., Kautsky, L. and Portnoy, R. (1996). Mineralization of composted manure and microbial dynamics in soil affected by long-term nitrogen management. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 28:733-738.

Hassen, A., Belguith, K., Jedidi, N., Cherif, S., Cherif, M. and Boudabous, A. (2001). Microbial characterization during composting of municipal solid waste. Bioresource Technology. 80:217-225.

Heerden, I. van, Cronje, C., Swart, S.H. and Kotze, J.M. (2002). Microbial, chemical and physical aspects of citrus waste composting. Bioresource Technology. 81:71-76.

Insam, H., Armor, K., Renner, M. and Crepaz, C. (1996). Changes in functional abilities of the microbial community during composting of manure. Microbial Ecology. 31:77-87.

Janzen, R.A., Cook, F.D. and McGill, W.B. (1995). Compost extract added to microcosms may simulate community-level controls on soil microorganisms involved in element cycling. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 27:181-188.

Janzen, R.A. and McGill, W.B. (1995). Community-level interactions control proliferation of Azospirillium brasilense (Cd.) in microcosms. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 27:189-196.

Keeling, A.A., Cook, J.A. and Wilcox, A. (1998). Effects of carbohydrate application on diazotroph populations and nitrogen availability in grass swards established in garden waste compost. Bioresource Technology. 66:89-97.

Kim, K.D., Nemec, S. and Musson, G. (1997). Control of Phytophthora root and crown rot of bell pepper with composts and soil amendments in the greenhouse. Applied Soil Ecology. 5:169-179.

Kim, K.D., Nemec, S. and Musson, G. (1997). Effects of composts and soil amendments on soil microflora and Phytophthora root and crown rot of bell pepper. Crop Protection. 16:165-172.

Klamer, M. and Erland, B. (1998). Microbial community dynamics during composting of straw material studied using phospholipid fatty acid analysis. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 27:9-20.

Lodha, S., Sharma, S.K. and Aggarwal, R.K. (2002). Inactivation of Macrophomina phaseolina propagules during composting and effect of composts on dry root rot severity and on seed yield of clusterbean. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 108:253-261.

Mondini, C., Contin, M., Leita, L. and De Nobili, M. (2002) Response of microbial biomass to air-drying and rewetting in soils and compost. Geoderma. 105:111-124.

Pascual, J.A., Hernandez, T., Garcia, C. and Ayuso, M. (1998). Carbon mineralization in an arid soil amended with organic wastes of varying degrees of stability. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 29:835-846.

Peters, S., Koschinsky, S., Schwieger, F. and Tebbe, C.C. (2000). Succession of microbial communities during hot composting as detected by PCR-single-strand-conformation polymorphism-based genetic profiles of small-subunit rRNA genes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 66:930-936.

Pharand, B., Carisse, O. and Benhamou, N. (2002). Cytological aspects of compost-mediated induced resistance against Fusarium crown and root rot in tomato. Phytopathology. 92:424-438.

ScholssP.D., Hay, A.G., Wilson, D.B. and Walker, L.P. (2003). Tracking the temporal changes of bacterial community fingerprints during initial stages of composting. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 46:1-9.

Shi, W. and Norton, J.M. (2000). Microbial control of nitrate concentrations in an agricultural soil treated with dairy waste compost or ammonium fertilizer. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 32:1453-1457

Sidhu, J., Gibbs, R.A., Ho, G. E. and Unkovich, I. (2001). The role of indigenous microorganisms in suppression of salmonella regrowth in composted biosolids. Water Research. 35: 913-920.

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Thambirajah, J.J., Zulkali, M.D. and Hashim, M.A. (1995). Microbial and biological changes during composting of oil palm empty-fruit-bunches: effect on nitrogen supplementation on the substrates. Bioresource Technology. 52:133-144.

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Valdrighi, M.M., Pera, A., Agnolucci, M., Frassinetti, S., Lunardi, D., and Vallini, G. (1996). Effects of compost-derived humic acids on vegetable biomass production and microbial growth within a plant (Chichorium intybus)-soil system: a comparative study. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 58:133-144.

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Wyatt, I.J. (1969). A laboratory method for studying the biology and control of pests in mushroom compost. Annals of Applied Biology. 64:441-448.

Anna-Lynn Wegener 49-622-138-7452 European Molecular Biology Laboratory Investigating the invisible life in our environment A new comparative metagenomics method provides insights into the evolution of the smallest beings on Earth



Web Resources:

Cooperband, L.R. “Composting: The Art and Science of Converting Organic Waste to a Valuable Soil Resource”. (Last Updated 2004).
Powen, P. “Paul’s garden world, garden guide: history of composting”. (Last Updated 2004).
Slaughter, S. “The Compost learning guide: introduction”. (Last Updated 2001).



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Soil Foodweb Assays

This information can be used to finely tune what is going on in soil, and what needs to be done to bring soil back to a condition of health.

Benefits of the Soil foodweb

The soil food web is a complex, interdependent, mutually beneficial group of organisms


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