
The lab measuring the life in your soil


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forms Use this Sample submission checklist   to take you through the process.

Worldwide labs
Oregon lab has a soil permit to accept samples from outside the continental United States
  1. Western United States
  2. Central and South America
  1. Australasia
  1. Western Canada
  2. Eastern Canada
New York lab has a soil permit to accept samples from outside the continental United States
  1. Eastern United States
  2. Europe
  3. Puerto Rico
New Zealand
  1. New Zealand
South Africa
  1. Africa
  2. Western Indian Ocean
Useful information
What tests to order

Making decisions regarding what you want to know about your sample.

How to sample (quick links)


Get the sample to the lab ASAP

How to Interpret
Soil Foodweb Assays

This information can be used to finely tune what is going on in soil, and what needs to be done to bring soil back to a condition of health.

Benefits of the Soil foodweb

The soil food web is a complex, interdependent, mutually beneficial group of organisms.

© 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Soil Foodweb, Inc.