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National Sea Grant

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About Us

Sea Grant encourages the wise stewardship of our marine resources through research, education, outreach, and technology transfer. The NSGL is committed to providing easy access to the wealth of information generated by the Sea Grant Program.

The Digital Collection

The NSGL provides access to over 15,000 electronic Sea Grant documents via the publications database. From the search results page you may link directly to these digital documents, which are mostly in pdf and html formats. Another means of accessing many Sea Grant digital documents is through the Digital Libraries series, where patrons have the option of browsing a list of subject-related titles.

The Print Collection

The print collection consists of over 36,000 titles, including the following types of documents: journal reprints, books, technical reports, maps, proceedings, newsletters, advisory reports, handbooks, curriculum guides, videos, CD-Roms, computer programs and other miscellaneous types of documents.

Our Services

Many of our documents are available electronically, but if a digital copy is unavailable or a hardcopy loan is preferred, we will provide a one-month loan. Reference, online search services, and Ask a Librarian are also provided. All of our services are provided free of charge.


Cynthia Murray

Cynthia has been with the NSGL since 1980 and has a Bachelor's Degree in Zoology and a Master's Degree in Library and Information Science. In addition, she has had extensive experience in the use of bibliographic databases and considerable knowledge of marine science literature. She is responsible for the administration of the NSGL and the management of the bibliographic database and website.

Joyce E. Winn
Librarian/Publications Coordinator

Joyce has been with the NSGL since 1975 and is certified as a Library Technical Assistant. She is responsible for processing loan requests, cataloguing new publications, and maintaining the circulating and archive collections.
E-mail: jwinn@gso.uri.edu

Submitting Your Sea Grant Document to NSGL

Sea Grant Communicators are asked to submit Sea Grant–funded documents to the NSGL through our electronic publications transmittal form below. Please see the distribution guidelines and table below for further information.