about us

The lab measuring the life in your soil


formsSample submission forms Use the submission forms on these lab pages to send samples.

formsUse this Sample Submission Checklist to take you through the process if you need the help.

Contact SFI for Dr. Ingham's
Consulting Services
Call 1.541.752.5066

about us
About Dr. Ingham
  1. Brief Bio
  2. CV
    1. Education/positions
    2. Teaching
    3. Organization of meetings
    4. Graduate students
    5. Scholarship/honors
    6. Publications
    7. Papers in preparation
    8. Book chapters
    9. Books
    10. Reports
    11. Book reviews
    12. Citations
    13. Professional meetings
    14. Research grants
    15. Service



Useful information
Benefits of the Soil foodweb

The soil food web is a complex, interdependent, mutually beneficial group of organisms

© 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Soil Foodweb, Inc.