

Jodi Michael Horner

latest articles

A Twinny Thing Happened on the Way to the Hospital

The author shares a personal experience about "twinsical" connections and speculates why they might exist.

Bonded By Birth

A capsule about Conjoined Twins; recommendation of the movie, "Twin Falls, Idaho," and relavant linkage...

Twins in the Biz

The fascination with twins has been highlighted in many movies and television shows. For fun, let's just take a sampling of them!

How Many Is Too Many?

The topic of super-multiple births is timely and hot. This author addresses her mussings and the views of others regarding this debatable issue.

Losing Your Twin

Insight to the loss that twins experience when their twin dies.

Are Identical Twins *Exactly* Alike?

Genetics: Are Identical twins exactly alike?

Twins' Mates and Friends

Being a twin is a lot like being married, the we factor is present...

Fraternal Twins: The Special Bond Between this Increasingly Common Type of Twins

Fraternal Twins do not share any more similarities genetically than do any other siblings, but they share a bond that is unique nonetheless.

Questing for Individuality

Dealing with individuality issues concerning identical twins, triplets, etc.

The Laws of Twindom: A Crash-Course

Twins are often asked questions in regard to life as a twin. Some of these are thought through inquiries and others are simiply not! This article attempts to address some commonly asked questions to twins.

The Laws of Twindom: A Crash-Course (2 msgs)

The Uniqueness of Fraternal Twins (6 msgs)

Losing Your Twin (7 msgs)

Twins' Mates and Friends (1 msgs)