
Rape Prevention/Survival

Flora Thomas-Guillory

Webster's defines rape as "The crime of engaging in sexual acts, usually forcibly, with a person who has not consented." It is a violent, hostile attack which not only hurts and humiliates the victim, but also dehumanizes.

It can happen to anyone:

  • Your grandmother
  • Your wife

  • Your sister

  • Your brother

  • Your child

  • Your girlfriend

  • Your co-worker

  • Your neighbor

  • Your classmate

  • Your instructor

  • YOU

It can happen anywhere, at any time, while you are in a public place, or even while you are in the privacy of your own home. It can happen any time of the day or night. It happens in the inner city and the suburbs.

In over 70% of the reported cases, the rapist is an acquaintance, friend, neighbor, relative or friend of the victim.

To add insult to injury, the victim is all too frequently treated like a criminal by our justice system, which manages to reinforce her feelings of shame and guilt. Until we acknowledge the documented patterns of rapists in our history and try to reverse the miseducation that has allowed rape to become as prevalant as it has, we will be doomed to perpetuate the negative behavior that has brought us to this point.

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Rape Prevention/Survival

Is There Really Such Thing As Emotional Abuse? (1 msgs)

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The Trap of Marital Rape (1 msgs)

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