
Welcome to the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) page. We'll explore what ADHD is and how it affects both children and adults. Please be sure to participate in discussions or start your own.

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A Moment to Reflect on America

ADDers are very compassionate people. How are we and how should we react to America's tragedy?

A Thank You To My Readers

I receive a number of e-mails about my column here at Suite101. I am so happy that the information here has been helpful. This is my thank you for your support.

Should You Take ADHD Medications?

Whether to take medication for ADHD is often a difficult decision. The author talks about her positive experiences from taking ADHD medication

History of ADD, Part 2

The history of ADD further explored from the mid 1960s to the present and beyond.

History of ADHD -- Part I,History of ADHD -- Part I

Ever wonder who discovered ADHD? Where it came from. Find out what the original research introduced about ADHD and about more recent findings.,Ever wonder who discovered ADHD? Where it came from. Find out what the original research introduced about ADHD and about more recent findings.

ADHD Resources Online

There are many new resources online to help you deal with ADHD as an adult or as a parent of an ADHD child. I've collected some new resources for you to peruse.

Anger and ADD,Anger and ADD

Anger can sometimes get the best of us. Here are some suggestions on how to deal with it.,Anger can sometimes get the best of us. Here are some suggestions on how to deal with it.

Finding Humor In Life

Life with ADD can be one humorous moment after another -- here's one of the author's recent humorous moments

The Gift Of Persistence,The Gift Of Persistence

We can often see our failings as gifts if we'll look at the other side of the coin. Dare to dream and see your gifts.,We can often see our failings as gifts if we'll look at the other side of the coin. Dare to dream and see your gifts.

Moms with ADD -- Nine Ways to Cope,Moms with ADD -- Nine Ways to Cope

Moms with ADD have difficulties at times dealing with all of the roles they have to play -- wife, mother, housekeeper, and more. Here are some ways to make life easier.,Moms with ADD have difficulties at times dealing with all of the roles they have to play -- wife, mother, housekeeper, ...

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Adults With Adhd (1 msgs)


How Can I Feel Better About Myself? (2 msgs)

New Drug Available for ADHD (5 msgs)

My Personal Challenges with ADHD (2 msgs)

Organization and Time Management (1 msgs)

Violence and ADHD (7 msgs)

neuro feedback (1 msgs)

What’s So Negative About ADD? (2 msgs)

The Personal Side of ADHD (1 msgs)

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