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Sponsorship Opportunities

We are now offering opportunities for those who value our work to sponsor specific projects financially. Help us keep Lost Valley moving forward in fulfilling its educational mission! Here are some of our ongoing projects that can benefit from your support:

Lost Valley Sustainability Tour:
We are creating a series of more than thirty engraved interpretive signs to educate visitors about sustainability features of our developing ecovillage. These signs will explore such topics as bike/pedestrian-friendly design, local food, reusing/recycling, and the ecological benefits of cooperative living, and will explain features such as the cob welcome kiosk, cob phone booth, solar water heaters and showers, solar wood-drying sheds, sustainably harvested wood floors, solar cooker, hayboxes, photovoltaic system, cordwood sauna, papercrete pumphouse, forest gardens, energy-saving retrofits of existing buildings, and more. Please help us complete this important project with your contribution today!
Sponsorship levels (circle one if applicable):
$1000 $500 $200 $100 $50 other: $___

Nature Center Handbook and Trail Guide Development:
Work on a Nature Center informational handbook has been partially completed, but has stalled due to time and funding limitations. A Nature Center Handbook and Trail Guide would complement the already-existing trail signs and plant identification signs to make our trail system much more educational for visitors. Your contribution can help move this project toward completion.
Sponsorship levels (circle one if applicable):
$1000 $500 $200 $100 $50 other: $___

Native Plants and Permaculture May 2007 Conference Proceedings:
We recorded every session at May's Native Plants and Permaculture conference--all that remains is to finish transcribing the presentations and discussions, edit the transcripts into readable form, and publish. It's not a minor undertaking, but with your help we can bring it to completion. Sponsors will be the first to know about and to receive the finished results.
Sponsorship levels (circle one if applicable): $1000 $500 $200 $100 $50 other: $___

Shrub and Tree Planting, Carbon Emissions Offset:
One of the most effective ways to offset personal carbon emissions is through the planting of trees and shrubs to sequester carbon. Our permaculture designs and ecological restoration efforts depend on our ability to acquire plants, including nursery stock of species and varieties that we cannot grow ourselves. Your contribution will help us establish edible, useful, and ecologically beneficial plantings here at Lost Valley, increasing both our long-term sustainability and our ability to educate others.
Sponsorship levels (circle one if applicable):
$200 $100 $50 other: $___

Ecovillage and Permaculture Design Program Scholarships:
Help those who cannot afford to pay full price for our Ecovillage and Permaculture Design courses to be able to attend. We are especially interested in reaching diverse and disadvantaged populations with these courses, which provide essential information and skills that empower individuals and communities to design their lives more sustainably and live more cooperatively. Please help us continue to share this important work with those who need it most!
Sponsorship levels (circle one if applicable):
$2500 $1000 $500 $200 $100 other: $___

Lost Valley Internships:
Some of our most essential work is done by interns--those who come to us for periods of three to twelve months to assist us in our various project areas (kitchen, garden, land, outreach, technical support, etc.) while acquiring valuable skills and learning about community. Hosting, housing, and feeding interns entails expenses to us (approximately $200 per intern per month). Your support in this area will allow us to accept more interns, which in turn will enable us to accomplish more work, more effectively. Please let us know what areas you would most like to support with your sponsorship.
Sponsorship levels (circle one if applicable):
$1000 $500 $200 $100 other: $___ (or monthly amount: $___ for __ months)

Please make checks payable to Lost Valley Educational Center, and mail to LVEC, attn.: Nature Center/Sponsorships, PO Box 55, Dexter, OR 97431, or contact Chris Roth at chris AT, 541-937-2567 ext. 116.