Methyl bromide

Alternatives to Methyl Bromide: Excerpts From the U.N. Methyl Bromide Technical Options Committee 1995 Assessment (Report)
This 1995 PANNA collection presents substantial evidence that alternatives exist for most methyl bromide uses worldwide. English and Spanish. 12 pp. Available only in hardcopy (see The PANNA shop).

El Bromuro de metilo-Lo que Ud. debe saber de este pesticida (What you should know about the pesticide methyl bromide) (Pamphlet)
This 1998 Spanish-language brochure explains the dangers of methyl bromide and is especially geared to farmworkers and other people working with or living near use of this pesticide. Spanish. PANNA. 11 pp. Available only in hardcopy (see The PANNA shop).

Funding a Better Ban: Smart Spending on Methyl Bromide Alternatives in Developing Countries (Report)
This 1997 PANNA report presents an overview of methyl bromide use trends in developing countries, summarizes alternatives, and provides recommendations for industrialized countries, developing countries, international agencies, and non-governmental organizations. 21 pp. Available only in hardcopy (see The PANNA shop).

Inventory of Technical and Institutional Resources for Promoting Methyl Bromide Alternatives (Report)
This 1999 report lists international agencies, research institutions, online resources and non-governmental organizations around the world that have expertise in pesticides and sustainable agriculture and can thus help governments and other users eliminate methyl bromide. Written by PANNA and published by the U.N. Environment Programme. English. 96 pp. Available only in hardcopy (see The PANNA shop).

Methyl Bromide Phase-Out Strategies: A Global Compilation of Law and Regulations (Report)
This 1999 compilation focuses on policy measures for countries developing action plans and implementing measures to promote the phase out of methyl bromide. 142 pp. Available only in hardcopy (see The PANNA shop).

Methyl Bromide Use in California (Factsheet)
This factsheet provides basic facts and figures about methyl bromide use in California. The factsheet.

Non-chemical Alternatives to Methyl Bromide (Factsheet)
2000. Factsheet on non-chemical alternatives to methyl bromide based on excerpts from technical literature. PANNA. The factsheet.

Prospering Without Methyl Bromide: A Critique of USDA's Analysis of a Methyl Bromide Ban (Article)
1994. Critiques the U.S. Department of Agriculture's analysis of the economic impacts of a methyl bromide ban and the failure of USDA to consider feasible alternatives. PANNA. 16 pp. Available only in hardcopy (see The PANNA shop).

Secondhand Pesticides: Airborne Pesticide Drift in California (Report)
This 2003 report offers unique, new analysis of the scope of the problem of toxic airborne pesticide pollution in California. Also available in hardcopy (see The PANNA shop).

The Economists Who Cried Wolf: How CDFA Exaggerated the Costs of a Methyl Bromide Ban (Article)
1996. Criticizes the California Department of Food and Agriculture's (CDFA) analysis of the methyl bromide ban and the failure of CDFA to serve the public interest by objectively analyzing the costs and benefits of banning this toxic chemical. PANNA. 9 pp. Available only in hardcopy (see The PANNA shop).

Under African Skies: Methyl Bromide Use and Alternatives in Africa (Report)
1994 PANNA report presenting case studies of methyl bromide use in Kenya and Zimbabwe and alternatives. English and French. 28 pp. Available only in hardcopy (see The PANNA shop).

Resources available elsewhere
Our collection of links to key related resources available elsewhere on the Internet. Feel free to submit or correct a link.

Methyl bromide alternatives (Email list)
Email-based discussion forum hosted by the UN Environment Programme OzonAction Programme on alternatives, policy, new information resources and other issues relating to the phase out under the Montreal Protocol.
Ozone Secretariat of the United Nations Environment Programme (Web site)
Provides information related to the Ozone and the challenges faced in its preservation.
U.S. EPA Methyl Bromide Phase Out (Web site)
Provides frequently asked questions about methyl bromide, as well as background information on science, regulations, and alternatives.

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