Resource Library

This section presents our extensive collection of PANNA reports, articles, guides, videos, databases, links and other resources.

New and featured items:

Chemical Trespass - Pesticides in Our Bodies and Corporate Accountability (report)
This 2004 report by PANNA uses CDC data to analyze pesticide body burdens in the U.S. population. Executive Summary available in English, Spanish and French. Online availability

Fields of Poison 2002: California Farmworkers and Pesticides (Report)
This 2002 report by PANNA, United Farm Workers, California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, and Californians for Pesticide Reform compiles information on reported farmworker pesticide poisonings and enforcement of pesticide worker health and safety laws throughout California. This report includes the text in Spanish. Online availability.

PAN Pesticide Database (Web site)
Your one-stop site for pesticide toxicity and regulatory information, the PAN Pesticide Database brings together an unprecedented array of information from many different sources. The PAN Pesticide Database also allows you to find out about which pesticides are used in California by crop, chemical, and geographic area.

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