
Welcome to the web page for the Department of Crop & Soil Science. This page was recently converted to DRUPAL format and has been worked on extensively to resolve usage problems, but we need your continued assistance. If you find errors, omission or dead web links, please let us know by contacting the Webmaster.

DRUPAL works best using the Mozilla Foxfire browser. If you are using Internet Explorer, you may encounter some pages that appear to be blank. There is material there, but it has been shifted to the bottom of the page.

- Current Course Information -

- Winter 2009 Plant Sciences Seminar Series -

- 2009 Issues in Sustainable Agriculture Seminar Series - (VIDEOS)

NewGrass Seed Crop Residue Management  

Job Openings:

  • Instructor Pool - The Department of Crop & Soil Science is recruiting for part-time Instructors to teach on a term-by-term basis for the 2008/2009 academic year.