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Playing the Devil’s Advocate

It is true that soaring demand from emerging economies has kept commodity prices at historic highs. But are there also signs of a commodity bubble in the making?
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Inya Ivkovic

Feature Writer Investment Feature Writer
Inya Ivkovic, Zoran Ivanovic

Inya Ivkovic is a seasoned financial writer with over ten years of experience in the investment industry. It all started when she got a job as a Sales Assistant to a Senior Investment Advisor at one of Canada’s major banks, which sent her on an intense and steep learning curve. Among other requirements, Inya soon had a number of professional licensing courses under her belt, including the Canadian Securities Course, Conduct and Practices Handbook, and Traders’ Training Course.

Not long after, Inya’s theoretical and practical knowledge of the industry landed her a job with Canada’s leading industry educator as an Academic Specialist for Compliance and Trading. Working for the Canadian Securities Institute (CSI) was very gratifying. At a day’s end, there was always plenty to show for, in pages of written work, in analyses of the regulatory landscape, etc. What overwhelmed her even more was being surrounded by qualified and enthusiastic people, proud of the job they did, eager to learn, and even more eager to teach. It was an immense pleasure working on textbooks that not long ago she had to study from. But more importantly, Inya discovered her real passion—writing!

After a relatively short stint on the trading desk at an institutional shop, Inya finally found her dream job. Currently, she works for a great company and is pursuing the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation.