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Unenforceable Loan Agreements and the Consumer Credit Act 1974

Get credit card debt, hire purchase agreements, store cards and personal loans written-off in full. A number of credit agreements do not comply with the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and aren't worth the paper they're written on.
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Asa Ghaffar

Feature Writer Mortgages/Loans Feature Writer
Asa, AG

Asa graduated from Aston University in 1996 with BSc in Law and Managerial studies.

Having worked in the Financial industry for a number of years as a Personal Account Manager, Asa learnt an awful lot about how the industry operates and the way customers are treated. It came as little surprise to him to see the current Banking crisis and the nationalisation of several leading financial institutions - including one he once worked for.

How many more scandals can there be? So far there have been: illegal bank charges, unlawful loans, payment protection insurance mis-selling and subprime mortgages sold to those with perfect credit. One can only wonder what is next.

The reckless approach to lending has left the world economy in a state of turmoil. Rigid, unrealistic sales targets for IFA's and advisors have left the masses struggling to make repayments. They now face adverse credit and are enduring health, emotional and marital problems because of the pressure they are under.

Asa misses working in the financial industry, but gains far more satisfaction from helping people remedy their financial difficulties.