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Application and sharing of knowledge
Knowledge exchange creates the groundwork for a positive future. Valuable knowledge includes the wisdom of elders, new technologies, and recent scientific breakthroughs. These grantees unleash knowledge trapped in institutions and tap the resources of community members.
Engaged youth
Building future leaders may be the single most important outcome of the Foundation’s work. These grantees achieved it by fostering skill development, personal growth, and new forms of youth involvement.
New and diverse voices
Respecting differences leads naturally to new and diverse voices. These successful grantees cross boundaries of race, gender, culture, class, and faith. Their new voices bring innovation, energy, and make the hoped-for possible.


These Insights were derived from grantee projects: From Battle Creek to Botswana, every Kellogg Foundation project has its own story to tell. Yet even across boundaries of geography and culture, certain commonalities do exist. And taken together, the hard-earned experiences and practical wisdom of Foundation grantees have great value. The categories were created based on an analysis of transcripts taken from interviews with Kellogg Foundation grantees in the United States, Latin America and the Caribbean, and southern Africa. Each category illuminates a distinct aspect of human innovation, and shows how grantees have applied the Foundation’s resources to the problems of people.

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