Animals & Animal Products

All animals and animal germplasm being taken out of New Zealand must meet the requirements of the importing country. If you intend to export animals on a commercial basis, please refer to the Standards and Regulations - Exporting Animals section of the site.

Pet owners/exporters expecting to return to New Zealand with their pet(s) should review the information in Entering New Zealand - Your Pets for the requirement. It is recommended this is done before the pet(s) is exported from New Zealand.

Some of these conditions for Dogs and Cats are outlined below for:

You can find out about the requirements for sending animals to other countries by searching the Export Requirements for the animal you wish to send.


All animals or animal products require an export certificate to be completed by an authorised person (official veterinarian). Most animals or animal products also require an Animal Welfare Export certificate (AWEC) to be completed by the authorised person (official veterinarian).

Pet owners/exporters are advised to contact a registered pet exporter to organise the export of their pet. Some airlines will not deal directly with the public and pet exporters are familiar with export protocols and procedures.

If you are not using a pet exporter, please contact the New Zealand Food Safety Authority Verification Agency (Live Animal Sector) listed below to organise an authorised person (official veterinarian) to sign the export certificate and AWEC prior to export.

Ph: 09 909 2706

Ph: 04 894 4307

Ph: 03 913 1777

Page last updated: 5 January 2009