Pests and Diseases

As an island nation, New Zealand is largely free of many of the pests and diseases found in other countries.

Keeping those unwanted pests and diseases out – and controlling those that have already crossed our borders - protects our environment and those living here. It also helps New Zealand exporters to market high quality, uncontaminated goods around the world.

These risks can be grouped as animal threats, plant threats, unwanted salt and freshwater organisms and threats to human health.

MAF Biosecurity New Zealand is determined to protect New Zealand. Our Surveillance, Response and Pest Management teams are working hard to detect any unwanted pests and diseases and in dealing with those already established here.

MAFBNZ's strategic plan includes the High Priority Organisms (HPO) Project, a project to update policy and create new tools for prioritisation of organisms for biosecurity intervention. 

We also have a number of specific pest and disease programmes (NIPR, NPPA) and campaigns to target nationally significant or high profile threats.

Members of the public play a key role in the fight to keep New Zealand free of harmful pests and diseases.

If you suspect you have found an unwanted pest or disease please call 0800 80 99 66.

Page last updated: 9 January 2009