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celebrating 20 years
About Us & Our Farm

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Our Mission
In 1989, we at Seeds of Change started with a simple mission: to help preserve biodiversity and promote sustainable, organic agriculture. We sought to do this by cultivating and disseminating an extensive range of open-pollinated, organically grown, heirloom and traditional vegetable, flower and herb seeds. This is still our mission.

We seek out traditional varieties from the Americas and treasured heirlooms from abroad, many of which are in danger of being lost due to the rapid consolidation within the seed industry and the decline of indigenous agriculture and seed-saving knowledge.

In addition to our seeds, we've since grown to offer a broad selection of 100% organic seedlings, pears, apples, as well as gardening tools, books and an extensive line of our own organic foods. We believe there is a solution to one of modern day's largest environmental crisis: The loss of diversity and erosion/pollution of our precious soil. Our conventional agricultural methods are polluting our planet, ourselves and future generations, as well as squandering our valuable soil, water, and energy resources. We believe we can make a change to all of this: starting with our seeds.

Celebrating 20 years of Conserving Biodiversity
Read our first two groundbreaking organic seed catalogs.

1989 Catalog Cover 1991 Catalog Cover

   1989: Seeds of Change Consultancy Services & Diversity Catalog
   Growth Towards an Ecological Agriculture (15 M)

   1991: Seeds of Change Organic Diversity:
   The First Link in a Safe Food Chain (24.5 M)

Our Seeds
We currently offer over 600 distinct varieties of 100% organically grown seeds for the home gardener and over 100 varieties in bulk quantities for the market grower. Many of our varieties represent decades, even centuries, of cultures from around the world who have saved their favorite, most flavorful and nutritious plants. Conserving this invaluable genetic resource, while contributing to the knowledge of sustainable organic agriculture and gardening techniques, is central to the mission of Seeds of Change.

By offering high value hybrids but also open-pollinated (OP) varieties, we encourage all gardeners and farmers to join us in the important work of seed saving and genetic preservation. OP seeds, unlike commercial hybrids and genetically modified seeds, will produce seed, which if properly controlled to avoid cross-pollination, will reproduce true to form. Additionally, our OP varieties allow everyone to become a backyard breeder, adapting varieties to their own microclimates and conditions.

Our Research Farm
Each year at the Seeds of Change Research Farm and Gardens we grow over a thousand varieties of plants. In close collaboration with our extensive network of certified organic seed growers and plant breeders, we cultivate, study, refine, and expand the broad genetic diversity that we offer. This work furthers our goal of supplying gardeners and market growers with a diverse and fascinating selection of the truest, most vigorous lines of 100% organic seeds. We also test the tools and other gardening products we offer. Furthermore, we experiment with various organic methods like different ways to compost, water, and cover crop. We do this to further our knowledge base that we seek to share through our electronic newsletter, garden tours, publications, lectures, and this website. If you'd like to visit our research farm, click here for details on our yearly farm tours.

The Importance of Diversity
Diversity is nature's survival method. It is important in the rainforests, the deserts, the grasslands, and all other ecosystems and creatures. It is also important to us in our food crops. For future generations we must preserve these time-honored varieties that are being lost. The crisis is bigger than any one government or agency can hope to handle.

So, by us and you growing gardens rich in diversity, we improve our own health and that of the environment while doing our part to conserve our planet's and gardeners' genetic legacy for future generations. With diverse plantings, we provide habitat for beneficial insects and critical pollinators and give ourselves varied diets which provide more complete nutrition.

Cover cropping, crop rotation, and composting a variety of plant materials builds healthy, balanced, living soils rich in a diversity of microbes and micronutrients. Through cultivating diversity, our gardens become harmonious, ever-changing environments of wonder and discovery, while producing an abundance of food, flowers, medicine, and important habitat for wildlife and people.

Please join us in conserving our genetic heritage while creating healthy, beautiful and diverse gardens for yourself, the planet and future generations.

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® Trademark © 2009 Seeds of Change


Organic Rice and Grains, Sauces, Chocolate... More

Learn more about organic seeds and the Seeds of Change difference... View

Garden Catalog
Gardener Catalog
Click here for pdf version (36.9 MB)

Commercial Seeds
Commercial Seeds
Organic seed for market growers

Digging In The Dirt
Digging In The Dirt Resources
and GardenCycleâ„¢

The Cutting Edge
The Cutting Edge
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The first link in a safe food chain