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2005 Food and Society Conference


Food & Society Networking Conference 2005
A Taste for Change: New Ways to Think and Talk About Food
A Taste for Change was designed to shed light on how the public thinks about our food system, as well as give participants new ways to think and talk about food. Through the information that was shared at the conference, participants better understand what the public values about their food, and can anticipate attitudes and public perception of emerging food issues. At the same time, the conference helped broaden people's understanding on how government agencies, businesses, and civic organizations work to inform and change public attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs. All of these perceptions -- and ways of changing these perceptions -- are crucial as Food and Society works to stimulate a taste for change in our food system.

Please view our "Heard on the Street" video:

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See the Conference Agenda here.

See the Speakers' Bios here.

See the World Café presentation materials here.

Read the evaluation for the 2005 Networking Conference here.

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