[SRS Masthead]

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Nonacademic Scientists and Engineers: Trends from the 1980 and 1990 Census

.txt .WP5 s4190000 All textual matter
.txt .xls s4190001 Table 1: Gen'l characteristics of nonacad S&Es: 1980 & 1990
.txt .xls s4190002 Table 2: Nonacademic S&Es, by census occupation: 1980 & 1990
.txt .xls s4190003 Table 3: Nonacademic S&Es, by State: 1980 & 1990
.txt .xls s4190004 Table 4: Nonacademic S&Es, median earnings: 1980 & 1990
.txt .xls s4190005 Table 5: Nonacademic S&Es, by sex & ethnic minority: 1980 & 1990
.txt .xls s4190006 Tbl 6: Immigrt nonacad S&Es, % total /educ'l lvl & age grp: 80 & 90