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Linking One Web to users anywhere

Opera unveils powerful new Device SDK at CES 2009

Oslo, Norway and Las Vegas, Nevada — January 7, 2009

Opera Software is rolling into Las Vegas for the annual CES 2008, where they will unveil the Opera Devices SDK 9.7. Opera spent much of 2008 developing version 9.7 of its SDK and has worked closely with its partners to accelerate the browser’s core performance on a variety of hardware. The result is a more feature-rich, interoperable device browser to deliver One Web by open standards.

Opera Link has been added to version 9.7 of the SDK, building in a converged user experience by allowing end-users to synchronize their stored bookmarks across desktop computers, mobile phones and consumer entertainment devices. In a further leap ahead in browser core integration for multi-platform deployment, customers can now use Opera Dragonfly tools for easier development and debugging.

“We have high expectations for Opera Link on Devices,” said Jon von Tetzchner, CEO, Opera Software. “I foresee operators delivering a unified, convergent Internet experience across their bundled triple-play offerings. This creates a seamless Web experience for subscribers, as it allows them to continue their online routines with ease whether surfing from their mobile phones, computers or televisions.”

In Opera’s previous SDK, version 9.6, users were first introduced to hardware-accelerated Opera Zoom for better zooming capability on devices with limited hardware. Opera has amplified this feature for Opera Devices SDK 9.7 and customers can provide device end users with even more intuitive zoom capability.

For successful cross-platform deployment, standards compliance on a wide variety of device platforms is essential, and the Opera Devices SDK 9.7 has aced the ultimate standards test — the ACID3. Opera continues to support the latest in Web standards in order to ensure ACID3 compliance on a wide variety of architectures/chipsets.

While at CES 2009, stop by Opera’s meeting room, 6527MP in the North Hall of the Las Vegas Convention Center, and check out the latest Opera has to offer.

Key features of the new Opera Devices SDK 9.7 include:

Opera Link

Opera Link continuously synchronizes your bookmarks and Speed Dial between any computers, mobile phones and now devices.

Opera Dragonfly

Debug JavaScript, inspect CSS and the DOM, and view any errors. Opera Dragonfly makes developing easier than ever on your computer, mobile phone and now consumer entertainment devices.

Improved hardware-accelerated Opera Zoom

With Opera Zoom, users experience smooth panning and zooming, enabling them to quickly scan full pages in overview mode and dive in on the details.

ACID3 compliance

Acid3 is a test page from the Web Standards Project that checks how well a web browser follows certain Web standards, especially relating to the Document Object Model and JavaScript.

About Opera Software ASA

Opera Software ASA has redefined Web browsing for PCs, mobile phones and other networked devices. Opera's cross-platform Web browser technology is renowned for its performance, standards compliance and small size, while giving users a faster, safer and more dynamic online experience. Opera Software is headquartered in Oslo, Norway, with offices around the world. The company is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol OPERA. Learn more about Opera at http://www.opera.com/.

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