Centre For Alternative Technology

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Our 10 most frequently asked questions

is_domesticwind 1. Can I put a wind turbine on my roof?

Maybe - but a wind turbine will operate more efficiently on a separate mast. Also, if your home is on the national grid, then there are more cost-effective ways to promote renewable energy. See our free information sheet on Domestic Wind Turbines for advice.

is_sink 2. How can I re-use my waste water from the sinks and bath?

You can use this waste water on the garden, but it should not be stored. Collecting and saving rainwater in a butt so that it can be used to water the garden in dry spells is a very effective method. See our free advice sheets on Harvesting Rainwater and Reusing Grey Water for advice.

is_boiler 3. I understand that all new central heating boilers must be 'condensing' boilers. Is this a good idea?

All new boilers must have an efficiency rating of A or B, and at the moment only condensing boilers achieve this. Early condensing boilers had reliability problems, but modern units have overcome these and they are now the most effective option. Read more...

is_toilet 4. How can I install a compost toilet?

If you want to save water, save and use valuable nutrients or if you aren't connected to the main sewage network, then a composting toilet might be the answer. We also have information on other small scale sewage treatment systems.

faq_fountain 5. Can I use solar power to run a fountain in my garden pond?

Yes - Almost any small electrical appliance can be run on solar power. Good examples are garden fountains and lights, but you can also use solar power to charge batteries for many more purposes.

bulbs 6. Is it worth fitting low energy light bulbs?

Yes - definitely. Low energy light bulbs are probably the easiest way to save energy in the home. If every UK household installed just two low energy lights, it would save the electricity produced by one power station. For more information, see our Saving Electricity in the Home information sheet, or get our Bright Ideas tipsheet.

faq_EvacTubes 7. Is it practicable to put solar panels on the roof?

For most people, solar water heating is the most economic and practical way to use renewable energy at home (apart from buying renewable electricity and using renewable heating systems) and it can provide 50 to 60 per cent of your hot water over the year. Photovoltaic Solar panels are ideal for remote situations where there isn't a grid connection, but can be expensive compared to mains electricity. The government has introduced a grant to offset some of the cost.

faq_compost 8. How do you make good compost?

It's really just a question of the right ingredients. We've done lots of research into high fibre composting which includes paper and card that you can't normally recycle. See our Composting Secrets tipsheet and Cool Composting Factsheet.

faq_insulation 9. What is the best type of insulation to use?

It will depend on the situation. By and large, for lofts we recommend cellulose fibre, made from recycled fireproofed newsprint. Another environmentally-friendly option is Sheep's Wool. For more information about the various types of insulation material and uses, see our Insulation tipsheet. See also our Energy Efficiency in the Home page.

is_selfbuild 10. How do I go about building my own Eco-house?

We publish several guides and books that will help take you through the complex issues of environmental building, including The Whole House Book and Out of the Woods. See our free advice sheet on Environmental Building for an introduction to the ways we can help you.

The Countryside Council for Wales
These pages have been produced with the support of the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW)


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