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Freetown, Sierra Leone
Kenday S Kamara - CADS Sierra Leone
In 1998, the WK Kellogg Foundation sponsored my fellowship at the Salzburg Seminar on Rural Sustainable Development held February 14 - 28, 1998. 
Mesa, Arizona
Linda M Vensel -
In the early 1980's the Kellogg Foundation provided the seed funding for the Center for Rural Leadership (Project CENTRL) in Arizona to help prepare motivated individuals for civic and community volunteerism. Today we are selecting members for Class... 
Boston, Massachusetts
Evan S Dobelle -
Kellogg truly made the dreams of a poor Hartford Neighborhood come true through the belief in, and funding of, Trinity College to initiate and complete a learning corridor of education and several years later to support the concept in Hawaii of a pre... 
Detroit, Michigan
Chaplain Eileen Moreland -
I was one of the first time authors published in your "becoming of me" projects at Dewey school in Detroit. Our book was selected as the best and was sent to all the schools. On the very last page I was finally able to get published a poem I wrote on... 
West Palm Beach, Florida
Bruce Parsons -
You don't have to beat a drum through the streets to be heard. As Calhoun County public health director through the 1980s, I interacted with Kellogg Foundation staff on many occasions. The Foundation supported Battle Creek infant mortality reduction... 
Battle Creek, Michigan
Jim E Avery -
0n behalf of the Battle Creek Optimist Club, I want to thank the W.K. Kellogg Foundation for allowing us to be the first service club to participate in your 75th anniversary celebration. We thought the presentation and meal were excellent. We were... 
Battle Creek
Abbey, Hildebrand, Taft - Part One -
Ruth Abbey, Ruth Hildebrand, and Edith Taft were among the very first employees of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, serving in the late 1930s and early 1940s. 
Battle Creek
Abbey, Hildebrand, Taft - Part Two -
Ruth Abbey, Ruth Hildebrand, and Edith Taft were among the very first employees of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, serving in the late 1930s and early 1940s. 
Battle Creek
Abbey, Hildebrand, Taft - Part Three -
Ruth Abbey, Ruth Hildebrand, and Edith Taft were among the very first employees of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, serving in the late 1930s and early 1940s. 
Battle Creek
Abbey, Hildebrand, Taft - Part Four -
Ruth Abbey, Ruth Hildebrand, and Edith Taft were among the very first employees of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, serving in the late 1930s and early 1940s. 
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