Centre For Alternative Technology

   CAT Information Service

What can I do?

To view or download our free information sheets, containing advice and contacts, please click the subject area you are interested in.

Or click here for an alphabetical list of all our information sheets

Energy EfficiencyEnergy Efficiency
Energy-saving measures are the easiest and cheapest way to cut your carbon emissions. Click here for lots of practical advice, including insulating and draught-proofing your home, using efficient heating systems, how to avoid air conditioning, and what to think about if you're planning a conservatory.
Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy
If you've maximised the energy efficiency of your home, you might now be considering small-scale renewable energy generation. This section gives advice on the options, and how to make sure that you'll get a worthwhile installation. For example, would a wind turbine be suitable for your home? Would solar water heating be compatible with your plumbing? Could you heat your home with wood fuel or a heat pump? Click through for answers to these questions and more.
The way we get around can make up a bigger chunk of our personal carbon emissions than energy use in the home - especially if we take a few air flights. See this section for advice on greener car use, public transport, and low-impact holidays, and alternative fuels (such as those made from plants or from renewable sources).
Low-impact LivingLow-impact Living
Perhaps surprisingly, the biggest single part of the average person's footprint comes from food. Click here for more information, including: which is best - local, organic, or fair trade? and what about growing your own veg? Look also in this section for advice on just what your personal footprint is and how you can find yours out, and for help with reducing the impact of your lifestyle and living in a more ethical way.
If you're doing more extensive renovation work, or building from scratch, then you have an opportunity to make a really low-impact building. Click here for advice on choosing environmentally benign materials and techniques, and on avoiding damaging ones.
Water and SanitationWater and Sanitation
Water is a precious resource, and the way we use and treat it has a huge impact on our environment. See this section for information about reducing your water use by harvesting rainwater or 'grey' water, alternatives to conventional sewage treatment (such as composting toilets), and advice on water treatment and pumping.

The Countryside Council for Wales
These pages have been produced with the support of the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW)

You can help to support the work of this information service by becoming a CAT Member. To find out more, visit www.cat.org.uk/membership


Information Department
Information sheets
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Renewable Energy
  • Transport and Travel
  • Low-impact Living
  • Eco-Building & Renovation
  • Water and Sanitation
  • Frequently asked questions
    What's the problem?
    Online query form
    Make a Donation
    General Feedback form

    Copyright © 1995-2009 Centre for Alternative Technology Charity Limited, a company limited by guarantee
    Charity no. 265239; Company no. 1090006, registered in Wales; registered office: Llwyngwern, Machynlleth, Powys, SY20 9AZ; VAT number: 377 8917 83

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