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Students attending Delaware State University receive their instruction in classes with a 20:1 student to faculty ratio conducted by a unique mix of faculty, including:

  • 199 full-time faculty in 20 academic departments
  • 160  have doctorate degrees
  • 38 have reached the academic rank of full professor

Our faculty brings a wide variety of professional, research, and authorship experiences that give greater depth to the knowledge shared in the classroom. Our first-rate faculty includes:


Vince “Chelli” Ciammaichelli
Studio Manager and Mass Communication Instructor

Since his arrival at DSU in January 2005, Vince Ciammaichelli has played an instrumental role in the reinvigoration and upgrading of the Department of Mass Communications at DSU.

In his work with broadcast journalism, television production and radio production majors, “Chelli” – as he is commonly known – is developing his students’ skills for the modern media world. In addition to the basics of broadcast writing and media fundamentals, he is also teaching the most current media practices such as convergence and complex audio mixes. He has been at the forefront of the department’s installation of a multimedia computer lab, improved digital video capability and the establishment of an audio production class.

In addition to challenging broadcast majors to do news reports that tell the story of DSU, six of his mass communication students are currently in China where they are sending back news broadcasts about that country and vying for internships at the 2008 Summer Olympics.

Dr. Mingxin Guo
Assistant Professor of Natural Resources

Earth Day 2008 is drawing a lot of attention toward Dr. Mingxin Guo as the result of his ongoing research on the application of organic waste-derived biochar for soil quality improvement. He is among the world’s pioneer researchers in this area that are finding the charcoal-like material to be a revolutionary long-term soil alternative to conventional fertilizer application. In addition to improving soil quality, the biochar does not emit carbon dioxide gases that contribute to global warming.

Having completed greenhouse potting experiments on the charcoal, Dr. Guo is now preparing to expand his research and apply the charcoal to the soils of DSU’s Blendt Farm near Smyrna.

Dr. Marlene A. Saunders
Assistant Professor of Social Work

The Delaware Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers has named Dr. Marlene A. Saunders, a DSU assistant professor of social work, as its 2008 Social Worker of the Year.

Dr. Saunders, who is also a 1967 alumna of Delaware State College (now University), was honored for her community service that has been a major part of her social work endeavors throughout her 40-year-plus career, according to Edgar S. Huffman, NASW Delaware Chapter executive director. Dr. Saunders – who has taught at DSU since 1985 – has published numerous articles and given many presentations one social work topics and issues. She recently presented a paper on successful aging of African American elders at Oxford University in England.

Students attending DSU can be assured that they will be exposed to top-notch faculty members who are making their mark indelibly in the world of higher education.

Academically Tenured Faculty