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Your dog provides you with love and companionship, but chances are he also provides you with some unpleasant surprises from time to time—a mess on the carpet or a slobbery pair of slippers, for example. While dogs seem to offer their people love and friendship almost immediately, learning how to live by the rules of a human household does not always come so easily.
Maybe your puppy hasn't grasped the concept of housetraining quite yet, or perhaps your dog doesn't understand why jumping the fence isn't an approved activity. Whatever "issues" you or your pet may have, we have information that can help you address them. Our tip sheets are designed to empower pet caregivers to solve the problems that threaten their relationships with their companion animals.
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Behavior Tip Sheets |
Solving your dog's behavior problems may take a renewed commitment on your part, but it can be done. And it's worth it. After all, research shows that most dogs and cats are relinquished to animal shelters—or otherwise given up—because of common behavior problems their families didn't know how to solve.
Don't let challenges threaten the bonds you have with your faithful canine companion. With some effort and patience, and the advice on these tip sheets, you can address problem behaviors and keep your dog where he or she belongs—with you.