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Graduate Application and Admission Policies

For admission to graduate study, applicants must show evidence that they have earned the baccalaureate degree at a regionally accredited college or university and possess the ability to do graduate work of high quality. Two official transcripts of all previous undergraduate and graduate work must be submitted. Applicants for degree status should have a cumulative undergraduate grade point average of 2.50 (on a 4 point scale) and a scholastic average of 3.00 in their undergraduate major. They should have successfully completed specific courses on the undergraduate level in the field in which they plan to pursue a graduate degree and a minimum number of courses in a designated area approved by the specific department. For certain graduate programs, official scores on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), or the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) are required. The test scores must not be more than five years old. Applicants who have not taken the required test(s) must satisfy this requirement during the first year of graduate study.

Standardized Examinations
The schedules for standardized examinations such as the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), National Teacher's Examination (NTE), Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), and the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) will be announced and posted in the Office of Graduate Studies.

International Students
Non English speaking international students applying for admission to graduate study must demonstrate a satisfactory level of proficiency in the English language. This proficiency requirement may be satisfied by meeting the criteria in any one of the following categories:

  1. Foreign applicants who hold the baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college or university within the United States are presumed to be proficient in the English language.
  2. Foreign applicants who hold the baccalaureate degree or its equivalent from a foreign institution in which English is the language of instruction are presumed to be proficient in English.
  3. Foreign applicants who do not meet the requirements outlined in 1 and 2 above must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Applicants should attain a score of at least 550 on the TOEFL.

Prior to acceptance, student must place an Affidavit of Support Form on file with the Director of Undergraduate Admissions.

Application Procedures
Application for admission should be made directly to the department for each program of study. Once approved, the application will be forwarded to the admissions office.

Application procedures and supporting credentials vary among the graduate programs. All applicants must submit an Application for Admission. A non refundable $40.00 application fee must accompany all applications submitted.

Degree seeking applicants must also arrange to have three letters of recommendation by persons who are acquainted with their potential for graduate study in their discipline, two (2) official transcripts from every college or university attended forwarded to the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research.

Application Deadlines
June 30 is the deadline for submission of applications and all supporting credentials for fall enrollment in all programs. November 30 is the Spring term deadline and April 30 for the Summer Term. The Chairperson or the Director of the graduate program will inform applicants of the action taken on their application. Only students who have applied for admission will be permitted to register for graduate courses, except in the case of undergraduate students enrolling in graduate courses.

Retention of Applications
The application and credentials of applicants, including transcripts of their academic records from other institutions, are placed in a student's personnel file. They are not returned to the student.

In cases where application materials are incomplete with respect to required credentials, including test scores, an applicant has not been accepted for admission, or an applicant does not register for the term to which she/he has been admitted, the application and its accompanying credentials will be retained for two years by the University.

Applicants for the master's degree may be considered for admission and, if admitted, classified in one of three categories. Successful applicants are notified of their classification at the time of admission.

Unconditional Admission requires:

  1. The bachelor's degree from a fully accredited four year college or university;
  2. At least 2.50 quality point average (on 4.00 point system of grading);
  3. An acceptable score on the General and Subject Tests of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), or the Miller Analogies Test (MAT);
  4. Completion of all undergraduate prerequisites for the selected graduate program;
  5. Good standing in the last school attended;
  6. Acceptance in the program selected for graduate study.

Conditional Admission includes:

  1. Those who have a limited number of deficiencies in undergraduate course prerequisites. These deficiencies must be removed before enrollment in graduate courses of the same series;
  2. Graduate of a fully accredited college or university who have not taken the GRE, the GMAT, or the MAT before admission. Applicants admitted to degree programs must take the GRE, GMAT, or the MAT during the first semester of enrollment in courses for graduate credit;
  3. Graduates of recognized four year colleges not fully accredited when the bachelor's degree was awarded. Such applicants must:
    • Present a record of superior scholarship on the undergraduate level.
    • Present unqualified recommendations from their undergraduate advisors, and
    • Submit an official report of performance on the GRE (General Test), the GMAT, or the MAT;
  4. Students who present a grade point average of less than a 2.50 must at the time of application submit GRE, GMAT, or MAT scores which qualify them for admission. To be considered for admission, those students are required to take nine (9) semester hours of course work specified by the Chairperson and/or Program Director. If a 3.00 quality point average is attained, the students are permitted to petition for a change of classification;
  5. Applicants who hold baccalaureate degrees from accredited institutions but who have academic deficiencies may be admitted conditionally if they submit with their applications acceptable scores on the GRE, the GMAT, or the MAT. Successful applicant in this category who complete, with a 3.00 grade point average, nine (9) semester hours of course work specified by the Chairperson and/or Program Director may petition for reclassification.

Non degree admission is granted to those who wish to enroll in courses but do not intend to qualify for a degree. The non degree admission category includes those entering Graduate School for any of these purposes:

  1. To complete certification requirements,
  2. To earn thirty plus (30+) hours beyond the Master's degree;
  3. To enrich their professional development; or
  4. To transfer credits earned to degree program at another institution. Credits earned as non degree students are not ordinarily requirements for degrees. If subsequently students classified as non degree are accepted into a degree program, the students may petition to carry forward not more than nine (9) semester hours of credit earned as a non degree student. Approval/authority rests with the Chairperson and/or Program Director of the degree program.

Change of Status
Conditionally admitted students and non degree students may apply for a change of status upon satisfying all admission requirements. Application for change of status must be submitted to the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research in writing not later than June 30 for the change to become effective for the Fall Term, not later than December 1 for the Spring Term, and by May 1 for the Summer Term. The Chairperson and/or Program Director will determine acceptability. Graduate courses completed at the University with a grade of "B" or higher by special students within five years may be applied toward the master's degree upon change of status.

Transfer of Credit
Applicants admitted to the graduate programs may transfer a maximum of nine (9) graduate credits from another accredited institution toward the master's degree, provided they earned a grade of "B" or higher in the courses for which transfer credit is sought. Supporting documentation must be provided by the student with the request for transfer of credit. The Chairperson and/or Director of the respective graduate program must give prior approval of the transfer credits.
The transfer credit must be directly related to the student's program of study, and must have been completed not more than five (5) years prior to the student's date of application. Students who have enrolled in the Master of Social Work Program have special transfer of credit regulations.

An application for readmission, together with a $40.00 non refundable application fee, must be submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies and Research by students who wish to return after the elapse of three (3) consecutive terms between the last date of attendance and the next registration. Applicants for readmission must update their credentials by providing information relevant to any courses taken at other institutions during their absence from the University.