ANBP President:
Richard Ward

ANBP Executive Director:
Lynn LeBeck

Phone: 559.360.7111
Fax: 800.553.4817

Kim Gallagher

Richard Ward
Managing Director
Biobest Canada Ltd. 2020 Fox Run Road,
Leamington, Ontario, Canada

Diploma in Agriculture University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Number of Years Producing:
Biobest Belgium 20 Years, Biobest Canada 12 years 

What you do at your company: 
I am in charge of the North, Central and South American production and commercial division of Biobest Biological Systems and as such I oversee the production of both bumblebees and beneficial insects as well as co-ordinate the commercial aspect of our business.
Favorite Insect, Mite or Nematode:
Bumblebees, even though I am allergic to them!! :) 


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