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January 08, 2009

Pacific Northwest - Aquatic Invasive Species Workgroup
Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership.
The Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) WG is a new PNAMP workgroup formed in January 2008.

* See our Aquatic Species - Monitoring section for more resources.

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Monitoring at 05:29 PM

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January 06, 2009

Predicting Future Introductions of Nonindigenous Species to the Great Lakes (Final Report, 2008)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA/600/R-08/066F.
This report predicts the spread of aquatic nonindigenous species into the Great Lakes to help resource managers focus monitoring activities on particular species at the most vulnerable U.S. Great Lakes ports. The report also demonstrates the use of a habitat suitability model and ballast water discharge data to predict invasion potential.

* See our General Publications and Reports section for more resources.

Added to Aquatic Species / Publications / General Publications and Reports and News and Events / In the News at 09:48 AM

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December 29, 2008

An Aquatic Nuisance Species: Teaching Curriculum for South Dakota - Grades 4-12 (PDF | 601 KB)
South Dakota Division of Wildlife. Department of Game, Fish and Parks.

* See our Educational Resources – K-12 section for more resources.

Added to Aquatic Species / Educational Resources at 09:31 AM

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December 23, 2008

Aquatic Invasive Species News in a Nutshell and Columbia and Missouri River Basin Watch Newsletters
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission.
This origin of this newsletter is attributable to Joan Cabreza, who while working for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) produced the newsletter Invasive News in a Nutshell. Joan retired from the EPA in early 2008 and agreed to continue as the editor of the "the Nutshell" under the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission's (PSMFC) Aquatic Nuisance Species Program. Like its precursor, it focuses primarily on regional and aquatic issues, but it also contains some terrestrial, national and international invasive events of interest.

* See our Publications - Newsletters section for more resources.

Added to Aquatic Species / Publications / Newsletters at 10:31 AM

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December 16, 2008

Marine Biofouling & Invasive Species: Guidelines for Prevention and Management (An Assessment of Risks and Management Initiatives) (2008; PDF | 1.4 MB)
Global Invasive Species Programme (GISP); United Nations Environment Programme. Regional Seas Programme.
Astoundingly, more than 70% of introduced marine species in Australia and New Zealand are now thought to have been introduced by biofouling. This report aims to raise awareness of the threat posed by marine biofouling, assess the risks using detailed case studies and present strategies for the prevention and management invasive marine species.

* See our Aquatic Species - Prevention section for more resources.

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Prevention at 03:48 PM

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December 04, 2008

Species Profile -- Didymo
USDA. NAL. National Invasive Species Information Center.
Didymo also known as rock snot, is a freshwater single-celled alga. It is found in streams and rivers in much of North America. Didymo increasingly poses a threat to aquatic ecosystems because it forms extensive mats on stream beds.

* See our Aquatic Species section for more aquatic plant and animal species profiles.

Added to Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 04:21 PM

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December 03, 2008

Species Profile -- Water Lettuce
USDA. NAL. National Invasive Species Information Center.
Water lettuce is an invasive weed found in many areas of the southern United States. Water lettuce can form dense carpets of vegetation on the water surface, blocking sunlight from reaching submerged plants and reducing the oxygen exchange at the water’s surface. It can also grow to form surface mats impenetrable to boats, swimmers and waterfowl.

* See our Aquatic Species section for more aquatic plant and animal species profiles.

Added to Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 11:31 AM

Species Profile -- Spiny Water Flea
USDA. NAL. National Invasive Species Information Center.
Spiny water fleas are small predacious crustaceans that threaten aquatic ecosystems and fishing by competing with native fish for food and fouling gear. Water flea introductions have decreased growth or survival rates for many fish, particularly young plankton feeders.

* See our Aquatic Species section for more aquatic plant and animal species profiles.

Added to Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 11:25 AM

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November 26, 2008

Great Lakes Region Losing $200 Million a Year to Invasive Species (PDF | 27 KB) (Jul 17, 2008)
Great Lakes United.
A U.S. study conducted by the Center for Aquatic Conservation at the University of Notre Dame and University of Wyoming suggests invasive species brought in by ocean-going ships may be costing the Great Lakes region more than $200 million a year in losses to commerical fishing, sport fishing, and the area's water supply.

Great Lakes Shipping, Trade, and Aquatic Invasive Species (2008)
National Academy of Sciences. National Research Council.
Transportation Research Board Special Report 291.

Great Lakes Shipping, Trade and Aquatic Invasive Species (PDF | 183 KB) (Sep-Oct 2008)
National Academies. Transportation Research Board. TR News 258.

* See our Economic Impacts section for more resources.

Added to Aquatic Species / Economic Impacts at 09:41 AM

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September 18, 2008

Species Profile -- Rusty Crayfish
USDA. NAL. National Invasive Species Information Center.
Rusty crayfish are an aggressive species that cause a variety of negative environmental and economic impacts when introduced to new waters. Rusty crayfish often displace native or existing crayfish species and destroy aquatic plant beds.

* See our Aquatic Species section for more species profiles.

Added to Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 11:23 AM

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September 08, 2008

The Role of Aquatic Invasive Species in State Listing of Impaired Waters and the TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Loads) Program: Seven Case Studies (May 2008)

Added to Aquatic Species / Publications / General Publications and Reports at 03:49 PM

August 20, 2008

Aquatic Invasive Species Monitoring Procedures: Citizen Lake Monitoring Network Training Manual (Apr 2007)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Monitoring at 02:25 PM

August 19, 2008

Maritime Environmental Resource Center (MERC): A Maryland Ballast Water Initiative

Added to Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 05:13 PM

July 24, 2008

Maine Field Guide to Invasive Aquatic Plants and Their Common Native Look Alikes (2007)

Added to Aquatic Species / Publications / General Publications and Reports at 03:44 PM

July 23, 2008

Great Lakes Shipping, Trade, and Aquatic Invasive Species (2008)

Added to Aquatic Species / Publications / General Publications and Reports at 08:57 AM

July 01, 2008

Zebra Mussel Prevention at Glen Canyon NRA in 2007 (Jan 25, 2008)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Prevention at 03:03 PM

2007 Summary of the Great Lakes Ballast Water Management Report (May 2008)

Added to Aquatic Species / Publications / General Publications and Reports at 01:46 PM

May 20, 2008

Species Profile -- New Zealand Mud Snail

Added to Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 05:51 PM

May 19, 2008

Realtime Nonindigenous Species Data Displayed with Google Maps

Added to Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 08:30 AM

May 14, 2008

National Management and Control Plan for the New Zealand Mudsnail (May 2007)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Management Plans at 03:14 PM

May 08, 2008

Chinese Mitten Crab -- Mitten Crab Network Newsletter (Feb 2008)

Added to Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 02:26 PM

April 22, 2008

Salvinia Control Manual: Management and Control Options for Salvinia (Salvinia molesta) in Australia (Sep 2006)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Management Plans at 11:41 AM

April 11, 2008

Aquatic Species - Decision Support Tools

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Control / Decision Support Tools at 11:08 AM

April 04, 2008

Early Detection & Distribution Mapping System (EDDMapS)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Monitoring and Plants / Management / Monitoring at 09:18 AM

April 02, 2008

Zebra and Quagga Distribution Maps (Real time)

Added to Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 01:39 PM

March 18, 2008

Biological Control of Purple Loosestrife: Galerucella Rearing Guide (Jul 2007)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Management Plans at 08:46 AM

March 13, 2008

Asian Carp - Risk Assessments

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Control / Decision Support Tools at 02:12 PM

Biological synopsis of the chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) - Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2812 (2007)

Added to Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 01:53 PM

February 21, 2008

"Super Sucker" Vacumms Alien Algae Off Coral Reefs

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Control / Control Mechanisms at 10:48 AM

Assessing the Global Threat of Invasive Specise to Marine Biodiversity (Feb 2008)

Added to Aquatic Species / Publications / General Publications and Reports and Manager's Tool Kit / Vectors and Pathways at 10:28 AM

Assessing the Global Threat of Invasive Species to Marine Biodiversity

Added to Aquatic Species / Databases at 09:13 AM

February 08, 2008

Updated - Great Lakes Aquatic Nuisance Species Information System (GLANSIS)

Added to Aquatic Species / Databases at 08:52 AM

January 24, 2008

On-line Training for Preventing the Spread of Aquatic Nuisance Species

Added to Aquatic Species / What You Can Do at 03:24 PM

January 22, 2008

Updated - Lake Champlain Basin Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plan (New York, Vermont, Quebec, Canada)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Management Plans at 02:21 PM

January 15, 2008

Assessment of the Efficacy, Availability and Environmental Impacts of Ballast Water Treatment Systems for Use in California Waters (Dec 2007)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Control / Control Mechanisms and Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 02:58 PM

January 14, 2008

Control and Management of Invasive Phragmites

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Management Plans at 02:31 PM

December 21, 2007

Zebra Mussel Management Strategy for Northern Ireland 2004-2010

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Management Plans at 02:28 PM

Halting the Invasion in the Chesapeake Bay: Preventing Aquatic Invasive Species Introduction through Regional Cooperation (Dec 2007)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Prevention at 01:05 PM

U.S. Maritime Industry National Town Meeting Webcast - Ballast Water and Other Vessel Discharges: The New American Frontier (Nov 20, 2007)

Added to Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 08:49 AM

November 13, 2007

Aquatic Plant Management Research Scholarships Available (Nov 2007)

Added to Aquatic Species / Educational Resources at 03:28 PM

November 06, 2007

Updated - Management and Control Plan for Bighead, Black, Grass, and Silver carps in the United States (Oct 2007)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Management Plans at 04:49 PM

What Boats Can Do to Stem the Spread of Invasive Quagga/Zebra Mussels

Added to Aquatic Species / What You Can Do at 09:49 AM

Eurasian Watermilfoil Treatment Monitoring and Evaluation Protocol (Aug 8, 2007)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Monitoring at 09:18 AM

2008 Statewide Strategic Plan for Eurasian Watermilfoil in Idaho (Oct 17, 2007)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Management Plans and Manager's Tool Kit / Control / Management Plans by Geography at 09:12 AM

November 05, 2007

Pennsylvania Zebra and Quagga Mussel Monitoring Network

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Monitoring at 01:54 PM

November 01, 2007

Riparian Invasives Research Laboratory

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Research Projects at 08:27 AM

October 25, 2007

Current State of Understanding about the Effectiveness of Ballast Water Exchange (BWE) in Reducing Aquatic Nonindigenous Species (ANS) Introductions to the Great Lakes Basin and Chesapeake Bay, USA: Synthesis and Analysis of Existing Information

Added to Aquatic Species / Publications / General Publications and Reports at 04:20 PM

October 24, 2007

Euraisian Watermilfoil Control Program

Added to Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 05:02 PM

September 05, 2007

Ballast Water Management to Combat Invasive Species (Updated Jun 20, 2007)

Added to Aquatic Species / Publications / General Publications and Reports and Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 09:18 AM

August 29, 2007

Clean Angling Pledge

Added to Aquatic Species / What You Can Do at 12:16 PM

July 26, 2007

The identity, distribution, and impacts of non-native apple snails in the continental United States (2007)

Added to Aquatic Species / Publications / Scientific Journal Articles at 03:07 PM

July 17, 2007

Mitten Crab Newsletter: Update for the Mid-Atlantic (Jul 13, 2007)

Added to Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 01:52 PM

NOBOB-B: Identifying, Verifying, and Establishing Options for Best Management Practices for NOBOB Vessels (Jun 2007)

Added to Aquatic Species / Publications / General Publications and Reports at 11:20 AM

Weevil Biological Control Agents of Aquatic and Terrestrial Weeds in the United States and Canada

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Control / Control Mechanisms and Plants / Management / Control Mechanisms at 09:56 AM

June 19, 2007

The Mid-Atlantic Aquatic Plant Management Newsletter

Added to Aquatic Species / Publications / Newsletters at 03:39 PM

June 08, 2007

Frequently Asked Questions about shipbreaking and the risk of non-native species associated with hull fouling communities

Added to Aquatic Species / FAQs at 11:08 AM

June 07, 2007

Invasive Species - What Should I Care? and What Can I Do?

Added to Aquatic Species / What You Can Do at 03:46 PM

New Zealand Mudsnails Threaten Native Wildlife - You Can Stop Their Spread!

Added to Aquatic Species / What You Can Do at 03:42 PM

June 06, 2007

Chinese Mitten Crab Alert

Added to Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 02:17 PM

May 23, 2007

Hawaii Habitattitude: Hawaii Agencies and Pet Stores Work to Prevent Pet Dumping

Added to News and Events / Press Releases - State and Animals / What You Can Do and Aquatic Species / What You Can Do at 11:52 AM

Aquatic Species -- What You Can Do

Added to Aquatic Species / What You Can Do at 11:13 AM

April 26, 2007

Clean Boats Campaign

Added to Aquatic Species / What You Can Do at 01:43 PM

April 19, 2007

Expanded Zebra (Quagga) Mussel Action Plan (Mar 2007)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Management Plans at 09:48 AM

April 05, 2007

Quagga Mussel Questions & Answers

Added to Aquatic Species / FAQs at 03:25 PM

April 04, 2007

Lake Davis Pike Eradication Project: Final Environmental Impact Report / Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) (Jan 2007)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Control / Control Mechanisms at 04:11 PM

Aquatic) Invasive Species Mapping in Michigan

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Monitoring and United States at 03:48 PM

Species Profile -- Quagga Mussel

Added to Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 03:14 PM

March 30, 2007

Identification of Marine Introduced Species in New England and Potential Marine Invaders Identification

Added to Aquatic Species / Publications / Fact Sheets at 08:59 AM

Coastal Habitat Invasives Monitoring Program

Added to Aquatic Species / What You Can Do at 08:48 AM

Marine Invader Tracking Information System

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Monitoring at 08:47 AM

Marine Invader Monitoring Information Collaborative (MIMIC)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Monitoring at 08:42 AM

March 16, 2007

Virginia Phragmites Web Mapping Application (Feb 2007)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Monitoring at 02:52 PM

March 13, 2007

Feared Quagga Mussel Turns Up in Western United States

Added to Aquatic Species / Publications / Scientific Journal Articles at 02:45 PM

Dreissena Species FAQs, A Closer Look (Quagga Mussel and Zebra Mussel)

Added to Aquatic Species / FAQs at 08:39 AM

March 12, 2007

Purple Loosestrife Biocontrol Project

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Management Plans and Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 01:21 PM

March 08, 2007

Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force: Strategic Plan (2007 - 2012)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Management Plans at 01:54 PM

March 07, 2007

Aquatic Invasive Species Rapid Response Initiative (Mar 2, 2007)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Early Detection and Rapid Response at 02:30 PM

February 15, 2007

Invasive Species in Aquatic Ecosystems: Economics and Matrix Population Models (2005)

Added to Aquatic Species / Economic Impacts at 04:30 PM

February 13, 2007

Fisheries Global Information System Database on Introductions of Aquatic Species (DIAS)

Added to Aquatic Species / Databases at 10:08 AM

February 12, 2007

Clean Boats Clean Waters: Guidelines for Clean Boats, Clean Waters - Michigan's Aquatic Invasive Species Volunteer Program (Aug 2006)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Prevention and Aquatic Species / What You Can Do at 04:23 PM

February 07, 2007

Implementing Rapid Response to Aqutic Nuisance Species in the Northeast: Key Components of a Successful Program (Jan 2006)

Added to News and Events / Conferences and Workshops / Conference Proceedings and Aquatic Species / Management / Early Detection and Rapid Response at 05:06 PM

February 01, 2007

Statewide Strategic Control Plan for Apple Snail (Pomacea canaliculata) in Hawai'i (Sep 30, 2006)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Management Plans at 11:25 AM

January 23, 2007

Introduced Aquatic Species in California Open Coastal Waters - Final Report (Dec 2006)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Monitoring at 02:51 PM

Rapid Response Plan for Zebra Mussels In the Columbia River Basin: A Comprehensive Multi-Agency Strategy to Expeditiously Guide Rapid Response Activities - Working Draft (Sep 2006)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Management Plans at 02:39 PM

January 05, 2007

Clean Boats, Clean Waters Program

Added to Aquatic Species / What You Can Do at 01:35 PM

December 05, 2006

Global Advances in the Ecology and Management of Golden Apple Snails

Added to Aquatic Species / Publications / Books at 10:52 AM

November 29, 2006

USCG and Smithsonian Institution Work Together to Reduce Risk of Marine Invasions (Fall 2006)

Added to Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 08:35 AM

November 28, 2006

Final Rule on Aquatic Pesticides (Nov 27, 2006)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Control / Control Mechanisms at 08:25 AM

November 09, 2006

Great Lakes Aquatic Nuisance Species Information System (GLANSIS)

Added to Aquatic Species / Databases at 10:57 AM

November 02, 2006

DRAFT National Management and Control Plan for the New Zealand Mudsnail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) (Aug 2006)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Management Plans at 03:42 PM

DRAFT Management and Control Plan for Asian carps in the United States (Apr 2006)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Management Plans at 03:19 PM

October 05, 2006

Aquatic Invasive Species Education Program

Added to Aquatic Species / Educational Resources at 10:12 AM

September 28, 2006

Asian Carps

Added to Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 03:30 PM

September 14, 2006

Michigan Cooperative Monitoring Program

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Monitoring at 11:52 AM

September 11, 2006

Vermont Aquatic Nuisance Species Sticker Program: Help Keep Vermont Lakes Pest-Free!

Added to Aquatic Species / What You Can Do at 01:53 PM

September 07, 2006

Flathead Catfish Fact Sheet

Added to Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 10:29 AM

September 06, 2006

Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force Report to Congress

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Policy Development at 10:34 AM

August 29, 2006

Water Spinach (Ipomoea aquatica)

Added to Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 09:41 AM

August 18, 2006

Chinese Mitten Crab (Eriocheir sinensis)

Added to Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 11:23 AM

August 04, 2006

Boats, pathways, and aquatic biological invasions

Added to Aquatic Species / Publications / Scientific Journal Articles at 08:04 AM

July 28, 2006

Managing Hull-Borne Invasive Species and Coastal Water Quality for California and Baja California Boats Kept in Saltwater

Added to Aquatic Species / Publications / General Publications and Reports at 12:02 PM

July 24, 2006

Invasive Species: A Handbook for Education Efforts

Added to Aquatic Species / Publications / General Publications and Reports at 02:46 PM

July 20, 2006

Caulerpa Control Program (Mar 6, 2006)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Management Plans at 10:55 AM

Surveillance and Eradication in Southern California

Added to Resource Library / Agencies and Organizations and Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 10:21 AM

July 12, 2006

Great Ships for the Great Lakes

Added to Aquatic Species / Publications / General Publications and Reports at 12:20 PM

July 10, 2006

Canada Shipping Act - Ballast Water Control and Management Regulations (Jun 8, 2006)

Added to Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 09:51 AM

New Zealand Mudsnails: How to Prevent the Spread of New Zealand Mudsnails through Field Gear (Jun 2006)

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Prevention at 09:29 AM

July 05, 2006

Protocols for Monitoring Aquatic Nuisance Species

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Monitoring at 08:17 AM

June 28, 2006

Fragmented Phragmites: Overview and Identification of Introduced Exotic and Native Forms of Common Reed (Phragmites australis) (Jun 14, 2006)

Added to Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 03:49 PM

Ballast Water Photo Gallery

Added to Aquatic Species / Image Galleries at 10:08 AM

June 27, 2006

Aquatic Nuisance Species Communications Project Final Report and Recommendations

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Policy Development at 08:44 AM

June 23, 2006

Alternative Strategies for the Management of Non-Indigenous Alewives

Added to Aquatic Species / Species Profiles at 09:17 AM

June 21, 2006

Nutria of Lake Union (Washington) Project

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Monitoring at 11:49 AM

Vounteer Lake Monitoring

Added to Aquatic Species / What You Can Do at 10:48 AM

Aquatic Plant Survey Program

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Monitoring at 10:34 AM

June 15, 2006

Aquatic Species Management Plans

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Management Plans at 08:36 AM

Aquatic Species Management Policy Development Guidelines

Added to Aquatic Species / Management / Policy Development at 07:59 AM

June 01, 2006

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