Centre For Alternative Technology

   CAT Volunteers

Long Term Volunteers

  • Anyone aged over 18 can apply to be an LTV, but we are usually looking for people who have certain skills and experience to offer. In return we offer a unique work experience and learning environment.

  • All LTVs are invited to come for a 'trial' week here before they can be accepted for a longer stay. Trial weeks exist to allow the potential volunteer to check out what we do and to see if they would be happy being here for six months, and also to allow the department to meet them and find out if they have the relevant skills and will fit in with the team. Trial weekers will be accommodated on site in hostel style accommodation and provided with meals during their stay, arriving on the Monday (daytime), and staying up until the following Sunday.

  • LTVs stay for a period of up to six months. New LTV's start their six-month stay in the spring (March) or autumn (September).

  • All departments at CAT are entitled to ask to take on an LTV but normally there are LTVs in Engineering, Gardening, Building, Information, Publications, Biology, Media and Visitor Centre Maintenance. An LTV works within a specific department and is usually supervised by a specific member of staff.

  • Volunteers have to be flexible about working hours as the Centre is open seven days a week and on all public holidays (except Christmas). There is some variation between departments so check what will be expected of you. In a six-month period an LTV is entitled to take 15 days' holiday (including bank holidays) in line with other members of staff. Lunch is usually an hour and volunteers are entitled to two 15 minute tea breaks each day. We all have to take turns on various rotas - mostly cleaning!

  • LTVs need to find accommodation locally. They need to be entirely self-funding. If eligible then they can claim state benefits. CAT provides a free lunch and hot drinks on each working day for off-site LTVs. Travel expenses are also available up to a maximum of £14 per week. This should not affect any benefit entitlements. It is not usually too difficult to find local short-term accommodation - we can usually help point you in the right direction.

  • All LTVs are welcome to attend up to two CAT courses for free during their stay, as long as a course is not over-subscribed (subject to permission of our courses co-ordinator). Where spaces are limited priority is given to LTVs working in a department that is relevant to a particular course.

A brief outline of Departments and an LTV's role in each department:

Biology: maintenance and monitoring of our sewage treatment, drinking water treatment and composting facilities. Practical experimentation with systems and products.

Building: building maintenance as required on the site and displays as well as involvement in any new building projects which may be ongoing.

Engineering: engineering maintenance as required on the site and displays as well as involvement in any new engineering projects which may be on going.

Display Gardens:Working on the visitor display gardens, participating in nursery work, vegetable growing, ornamental flower borders, landscaping and interpretation. The volunteer will work along with our display gardeners and have their own areas of responsibility.

Productive Gardens: Learning to grow all manner of salad plants in our vegetable field, polytunnels and orchard. From seed to cropping nurture our veg and feed our staff fresh salad all year round. Work with and learn from expert gardener Roger McLennan.

Information: office-based, helping answer the hundreds of written, telephone and e-mailed enquiries about the technologies we display. An opportunity to learn a lot about the different technologies.

Media: press relations, publicity and marketing. Helping the department with media campaigns and putting together the quarterly magazine.

Publications: CAT produces a unique range of books and information sheets. You would help with research, text design and layout, editorial work, sales and marketing and administration.

Visitor Centre Maintenance: To assist the Visitor Centre Manager and team in their duties and to maintain the site in a way that will enhance the visitor experience. Assisting with major/minor improvements and site maintenance projects.

Visitor Centre Displays Maintenance: Volunteering for the Display Department will give you the opportunity to get a thorough overview of all the things CAT feels is important - from recycling waste to generating sustainable energy. Our main priority is maintaining the displays we've got, but we also are in the process of developing new ones. So, if you're handy with a screwdriver and have a good eye for detail, you'll be kept busy!

To apply for a placement please send a full CV and covering letter telling us about yourself and stating which department you would like to work with. For further enquiries about these opportunities please contact Barbara Wallace (Tel 01654 705955 e-mail Barbara.wallace@cat.org.uk)


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Copyright © 1995-2009 Centre for Alternative Technology Charity Limited, a company limited by guarantee
Charity no. 265239; Company no. 1090006, registered in Wales; registered office: Llwyngwern, Machynlleth, Powys, SY20 9AZ; VAT number: 377 8917 83

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