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Curriculum for Bachelor of Science Degree in
Plant Science - Horticulture Option

Revised Fall 2007

First Year
First Semester    
01-101 English Composition I 3
16-100 Lifetime Fitness and Wellness 2
23-101 General Biology I & Lab 4
25-121 College Algebra or A/B 3-4
29-191 University Seminar I 1
34-201 or
34-202 or
34-203 or
American Civilization to 1865
American Civilization from 1865
The African-American Experience to 1865
The African-American Experience from 1865
Second Semester    
01-102 English Composition II 3
XX-XXX- Humanities Elective 3
23-102 General Biology II & Lab 4
25-122 Trigonometry 3
29-102 Agriculture and Natural Resources Science 1
29-192 University Seminar II 1
Second Year
First Semester    
01-201 or 205 World Literature I or African-American Literature I 3
23-205 Ecology 4
24-101 General Chemistry I & Lab 4
29-210 Landscaping 3
29-219 Horticulture 3
Second Semester    
01-200 Speech 3
01-202 or 206 World Literature II or African-American Literature II 3
24-102 General Chemistry II & Lab 4
29-208 Soil Science 3
XX-101 Foreign Language I 3
Third Year
First Semester    
23-209 General Botany 3
23-306 Plant Physiology 3
29-308 Plant Pathology 3
29-465 Weed Science 3
30-321 Biometrics I 3
Second Semester    
23-210 Genetics 3
29-419 Plant Propagation & Greenhouse Management 3
34-395 Global Societies 3
23-202 Systematic Botany 3
XX-102 Foreign Language II 3
Fourth Year
First Semester    
29-319 Horticultural Plant Materials 3
30-202 Microclimatology 3
XX-XXX Elective 3
XX-XXX Elective 3
Second Semester    
29-404 Sustainable Agriculture (Senior Capstone Course) 3
29-408 Plant Cell & Tissue Culture 3
40-201 Macroeconomics 3
XX-XXX Elective 3
XX-XXX Elective 3
  Total credits 121