ANBP President:
Richard Ward

ANBP Executive Director:
Lynn LeBeck

Phone: 559.360.7111
Fax: 800.553.4817


Become a Member Today! Please review the product categories listed below. When you are ready to become a member, please click the join ANBP button. For ANBP's objectives and benefits, please see below.

Associate Anyone interested in biocontrol $25.00
Distributor A business marketing biocontrols but does not produce them. $250.00
Producer A business producing and marketing biocontrols. $550.00
Practitioner (Consultants) In business advising on biocontrol $125.00
Contributing Any supporter of biocontrol (Open to any amount of donation) OPEN
The above link will take you to an online submission form in which you can submit your information and make a payment online using Paypal online secure payment processing.
You may also join or renew by mail. The above link will take you to a downloadable form in which you can print, fill out and mail with payment to the address listed.
The above link will take you to an online submission form in which you can submit your information and make a payment online using Paypal online secure payment processing.

Note: All distributor and producer paid members receive FREE, as part of the ANBP website, a Product Information page which lists their name, address and products with a link to their website.

ANBP's Objectives

  • Strengthen the natural enemy production industry.
  • Promote research and education on the use of natural enemies. Members of ANBP are working with government agencies to refine mass production techniques and biocontrol release strategies. Expansion of biological control depends on reliable research data.
  • Develop quality certification programs for natural enemies is one of the principal objectives of ANBP. To this end, the Association is cooperating with The American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) to establish standards for bio-controls.
  • Members of ANBP are expected to adhere to a code of ethics which encourages the highest standards of professionalism.

Benefits of Becoming a MemberWith our newsletter "Biocontrol Matters",our annual meetings and the website,, ANBP seeks to provide information on the availability and use of natural enemies."Biocontrol Matters" provides a forum to address issues facing the biocontrol industry. The website is designed for the potential user of bio-controls as an aid to finding sources and information on bio-controls.

Although our membership is growing, we face numerous challenges. We welcome your support and encourage you to join our organization. We depend on your participation to accomplish our goals.

ANBP is dedicated to protecting the industry from legislation that is deemed threatening to the implementation of biological control. ANBP has been succesful in preventing overregulation of bio-controls that have a 100 year history of safety. Bio-controls and are saving growers millions of dollars every year. Your membership will give ANBP an even stronger voice to protect environmentally safe bio-controls!

Because the organization is developing quality control standards, consumers will have more confidence when purchasing products from an ANBP member. Standardization means all members adhere to certain requirements in the production and sale of beneficials.

© 1995-2008 Association of Natural Biocontrol Producers. All rights reserved. • Site design by Willis Design Studios