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Tutoring Center

Jackye Fountain, Coordinator

Jackye FountainThe Academic Support Center offers FREE peer tutoring for an array of subjects in an environment conducive to learning and educational growth.

The procedure for getting a tutor starts as soon as the student realizes s/he needs additional help in a particular subject(s). The next step is to complete the Tutor Request Form available online or in Library Room 206. Once a student returns the request form to Library Room 206 s/he will be notified within 48 hours. One-on-one or small group tutoring will be provided at a mutually agreed upon time.

Tutorial Lab Hours

Monday thru Thursday — 9:30 am – 10:00 pm
Friday — 9:30 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday By request and approval only
Sunday — 2:00 pm – 10:00 pm


Job Opportunity:

Tutors - Job Description