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Organic Trade Association
Organic Trade Association (OTA) is a membership-based business association that focuses on the organic business community in North America.

    PO Box 547
    Greenfield, MA 01302
Key Resources Page

Some organizations, web sites, events and information resources stand out as critically important resources for organic producers and processors. On this page you can browse these key resources by broad categories that they fit into: Crops, Livestock, Business & Marketing, Certification or Processing and Handling. Some resources are so broad in their scope that you'll find them duplicated in several different areas.

Key Resources:
Crops and Farming
Business and Marketing
Livestock and Ranching
Processing and Handling

Resource Listing
keyCrops and Farming
Click the titles below to view specific resource details or -OR- view all
An Economic Modeling Tool for Farmers Thinking about Transitionota
The FarmSelect online tool allows farmers to compare the economics of conventional vs. organic production. All you have to do is enter your zip...
ATTRA Seed Supplier Databaseota
Producers can locate organic seed supplies using this database. They can search the database for the following categories of certified organic...
Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Associationota
The Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association (BDA), a non-profit organization open to the public, was formed in the U.S. in 1938 in order to...
Companies Selling Organic Ingredients as Listed on OTA's Organic Pages Onlineota
Farm-grown ingredients on the list run the gamut from oats, fresh fruit, specific types of meats, rice, dry beans, mushrooms, vegetable products,...
Farming for Credit Directory: A Listing of Sustainable and Organic Academic Programs and Student Farmsota
This directory lists hands-on and classroom-based sustainable ag education opportunities side by side. As before, it is organized first by region,...
MOSES' Fact Sheets on Organic Certification, Transitioning to Organic Production, & Marketingota
MOSES offers fact sheets on organic certification, production and marketing in easy-to-understand formats. These resources simplify the ...
New Farm's List of Farm Supplies & Productsota
New Farm's website offers a searchable database, Farmer to Farmer, that farmers can use to locate feed sources, farm supplies, and bulk seeds, and...
New Farm's Online FarmSelect Course for Transitioning to Organic Production and Updating Organic Management Practicesota
The New Farm's online training programs will guide you step by step through a process of evaluating and changing your farm practices, whether...
Ohio Ecological Food and Farming Association (OEFFA)ota
The Ohio Ecological Food & Farm Association (OEFFA) was formed in 1979 and is a membership-based, grassroots organization, dedicated to promoting...
OMRI Products List of Approved Materialsota
The OMRI Products List is a directory of all products OMRI has determined are allowed for use in organic production, processing, and handling. The...
OMRI's Organic Seed Databaseota
The Organic Materials Review Institute's organic seed database allows you to select by seed type and get a listing of companies where a seed type...
Organic Crops Workbook: A Guide to Sustainable and Allowed Practicesota
This guide features descriptions of the basic requirements for crop certification--an organic system plan, soil management, weed management, etc....
Organic IPM Pictorial Field Guide to Pests and Beneficialsota
The idea behind this field guide is to provide a pictorial guide to the concepts of organic IPM and important pests and beneficials. The focus of...
Organic Seed Suppliers by Crop & Variety: ATTRAota
This extensive list offers certified organic seed suppliers across the US, most of whom sell in bulk quantities. The list can be sorted by company...
Organic Shipping & Transporting Products & Services on OTA's Organic Pages Onlineota
This listing features US companies offering transportation and shipping of organic products across the US and internationally. Companies on this...
OTA's Organic Pages Online Directoryota
The Organic Pages Online directory features a broad array of certified organic products, supplies and services for the whole spectrum of the...
Postharvest Handling of Fruits and Vegetablesota
Appropriate production practices, careful harvesting, and proper packaging, storage, and transport all contribute to good produce quality. This...
Rodale Instituteota
This nonprofit, located in eastern Pennsylvania, has conducted the longest running field trials in the country comparing organic and conventional...
The Center for Farm Financial Management at the University of Minnesotaota
The Center for Farm Financial Management (CFFM) provides educational programs and software tools that are practical, timely, and applicable to...
The New Farm Web Siteota
NewFarm.Org is one of the most useful organic and sustainable farming web sites in the country. It features research, hundreds of farm profiles, a...
Upper Midwest Organic Resource Directoryota
This online directory identifies resource groups, certification agencies, suppliers, buyers, processors, consultants, publications and events in...
Woodbury County, Iowa Property Tax Rebates for Farms Going Organicota
This document describes Woodbury County, Iowa's policy to grant up to $50,000 each year in property tax rebate incentives for farms converting to...
Farm Supplies Listings on OTA's Organic Pages Onlineota
Farm Supplies available on this site run the gamut of organic production inputs, such as fertilizers, soil amendments, irrigation supplies, pest...
Good Growing: Why Organic Farming Worksotafee
This book, by Leslie Duram, is a well researched analysis of the ecological, economic and health benefits of organic food production. Packed full...
MOSES' Fact Sheets on Transitioning to Organic Productionota
Fact sheets on transition, including resources for transitioning to organic crop production, organic dairy, organic vegetable production and...
Fiber: The Organic Trade Association's American Organic Standards for Fiber--Post Harvest Handling, Processing, Record Keeping, & Labeling
The Draft American Organic Standards for Fiber Post Harvest Handling, Processing, Record Keeping, & Labeling represent the Organic Trade...
Organic Trade Association (OTA)
Organic Trade Association (OTA) is a membership-based business association that focuses on the organic business community in North America. OTA's...
Tips for Identifying Organic Fertilizers
In this article, producers will find guidance on how to identify fertilizers and soil amendments allowed for use in organic production.
Ag Help Wanted: Guidelines for Managing Agricultural Labor
Ag Help Wanted is an educational guidebook designed to assist every person who currently manages or expects to manage human resources on farms,...
Agroecology and the Search for a Truly Sustainable Agriculture
This book, in an online PDF format, was written by well-known agroecologist Miquel Altieri. It outlines principles and strategies for designing...
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
This massive resource site, managed by the National Agricultural Library, maintains sections on sustainable agriculture, community supported...
Ask a Sustainable Agriculture Expert
ATTRA offers a toll free help line, in both Spanish and English. This web page also has an online form you can use to submit a question. You should...
ATTRA's Organic Farming Page
ATTRA, the largest U.S. provider of information on organic and sustainable agriculture, hosts this organic resource page for farmers, full of links...
ATTRA's Sustainable Disease, Weed, & Pest Management Resource Page
This rich collection of articles from the National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service covers a wide range of topics on disease, insect and...
Biodiversity and Pest Management in Agroecosystems, 2nd Edition
Completely updated for 2004, this new edition of the classic book by Miguel Altieri and Clara Nicholls examines methods for making agricultural...
Biological Control Resources from Growing Small Farms, a Web Site of the Chatham County Cooperative Extension Center in North Carolina
This web page provides links to information on biological pest control in North Carolina, including biocontrol in greenhouses, application of...
Biological Control: A Guide to Natural Enemies in North America, from Cornell University
This online guide provides photographs and descriptions of biological control (or biocontrol) agents of insect, disease and weed pests in North...
Biorationals: Ecological Pest Management Database
This online pest management tool for farmers is a database that highlights reduced risk materials that can be integrated with ecological pest...
Building Soils for Better Crops, 2nd Editionfee
The SARE book, "Building Soils for Better Crops," unlocks the secret of maintaining a diverse ecosystem below ground to foster healthy crops above....
Canada-Based North American Organic Directory
This Database of Organics in Canada, includes a searchable list of organic supplies and services for producers and processors, including...
Certified Organic North American Producer & Processor Directory
This Certified Organic Food Directory lists 10,000 certified growers, livestock producers, handlers, suppliers, manufactureres, wholesalers,...
Crop Rotation Advice from ATTRA's Guide, An Overview of Organic Crop Production
This section of the organic production guidebook provides detailed information on crop rotations and how they work. Essentially a tool for annual...
Crop Rotations in Organic Farms
This in-depth online handbook from North Carolina State University provides a historical perspective on crop rotations, describes the many...
Database of Seed Suppliers for Certified Organic Production
This database, from ATTRA, provides sources for organic seed of both agronomic and horticultural crops. Some national, mail-order suppliers of...
Diversifying Cropping Systems
Today's crop farmers, with their prices global and their costs local, are ensnared in an ever-tightening profit squeeze. Many of them have begun...
Educational and Training Opportunities in Sustainable Agriculture
This comprehensive directory of college, university and non-profit training and education opportunities for organic and sustainable farmers in the...
El Sitio Web de ATTRA, en Espa�ol (ATTRA's Spanish Language Website)
ATTRA tiene su informacion, publicaciones y enlaces de la agricultura sostenible en espa�ol. Tambien, puede preg�ntele en espa�ol a un experto...
Entomology on World-Wide Web
An exhaustive A to Z listing of entomology web sites, compiled by L. B. Bjostad, Colorado State University.
Farmscaping to Enhance Biological Control of Pests
This publication contains information about increasing and managing biodiversity on a farm to favor beneficial organisms, with a focus on...
Gaining Ground: Making a Successful Transition to Organic Farming
This handbook, from Canadian Organic Growers, is an invaluable tool for all farmers interested in organic farming, whether conventional,...
Grains: North Carolina Organic Grain Production Guide
This excellent production guide covers the basics of organic production, and specifics for corn, wheat, small grains and soybeans. Also has...
Hundreds of Farmer Success Stories Featured in SARE Publications
On this web page, you'll have access to online or print versions of SARE pamphlets and booklets that feature stories of farmers across the country...
Insect Biocontrol Lab at Beltsville Agricultural Research Center in Maryland
The Beltsville Center is part of the Agricultural Research Service of the USDA. They conduct research into biological controls, develop products,...
Integrated Weed Management--One Year's Seeding
This extension bulletin from Michigan State University was published in February 2005 as the result of a collaborative effort among researchers,...
Land Stewardship Project in Minnesota
The mission of the Land Stewardship Project is to foster an ethic of stewardship for farmland, to promote sustainable agriculture and to develop...
Making Organic Produce Stand Out in Retail Settings: An All Things Organic� Conference Sessionfee
With all the products on store shelves today, it is easy for consumers to overlook the organic produce available to them. This session, you'll...
Managing Cover Crops Profitably
"Managing Cover Crops Profitably" explores how and why cover crops work and provides all the information needed to build cover crops into any...
Managing Insects on Your Farm: A Guide to Ecological Strategies
An excellent general resource on how ecologically based pest management works--the basic principles of diversity, habitat management, encouragement...
Missouri Alternatives Center
The Missouri Alternatives Center serves as a communications center for Missouri farmers, Extension staff, government personnel and people who want...
NRCS Water Resources
Directory from the NRCS providing a broad overview of water management resources, including irrigation information.
Online Directory of Sustainable and Organic Farming Internships and Apprenticeships
ATTRA's directory of farm internships and apprenticeships in the U.S. and Canada has been published since 1989. It contains valuable information on...
Organic Consultants for Producers & Processors
Oregon Tilth offers a list of consultants across the US who provide advice to producers and processors on how to achieve organic certification...
Organic Field Crops Handbookfee
The book is a practical reference guide for both organic field crop farmers and conventional farmers who are considering making the transition to...
Organic Seed Sources in North America
This site provides a long list of seed sources for organic production. Among the seeds sold are soybean, oat, barley, wheat, vegetables, cover...
Organic Systems Make Good Economic Sense
Organic farmers are often the first to admit that as they were transitioning to organic systems, their yields declined. Many studies have shown...
Postharvest Handling Advice for Organic Producers
Optimal-quality organic produce that achieves the desired textural properties, sensory shelf life, and nutritional content is the combined result...
Principles of Organic Production
This article from ATTRA provides an overview of the guiding principles of organic production--all of which have environmental benefits.
Principles of Sustainable Weed Management for Croplands
A very valuable primer on weeds that provides an understanding of why and how weeds become a problem, and offers proactive strategies for managing...
Producer Profiles: Farmers Who are Building Better Soils
The profiles on this web page, from the SARE book Building Soils for Better Crops, demonstrate how producers across the U.S. have successfully...
Public Seed Initiative
The Public Seed Initiative (PSI) is a joint cooperative effort between Cornell University Departments of Plant Breeding and Horticulture, the...
Resource Guide for Organic Insect and Disease Management, from Cornell University
Are you an organic grower faced with spots on your tomatoes, holes in your cabbage, and wilt in your pumpkin vines? Do you wonder whether your...
Seed Production and Variety Development for Organic Systems
Most of the research to develop seed varieties specifically for organic production is in public and participatory breeding, and good technical...
Small Farm Handbook, from UC-Davis
A practical, easy-reading guide for people interested in operating a successful small farm is available. New and experienced farmers alike will...
Small Farm Success Project for the Mid-Atlantic Region
This is a remarkable set of original resources developed by a coalition of land grant universities, USDA, and nonprofit organizations in the...
Small Farms Contact Directory, from USDA's Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service
This national listing of state small farm program coordinators is a good starting point for getting help in your state if you're starting up a...
Sourcing Organic Seed
This association's Save Our Seed Project offers a directory of organic seed companies across the US with products ranging from organic vegetable...
State Contact List for the National Association of State Organic Programs (NASOP)
NASOP offers a list of contacts of state organic officials across the U.S.
Steel in the Field: a Farmer's Guide to Weed Management Tools
Weed control demands time, labor and expense for every farmer every year. "Steel in the Field" shows how today's implements and techniques can...
Suppliers of Beneficial Organisms in North America
Suppliers of Beneficial Organisms in North America is a publication of Cal/EPA's Department of Pesticide Regulation. It lists 143 commercial...
Sustainable Management of Soil-Borne Plant Diseases
Soil-borne diseases result from a reduction of biodiversity of soil organisms. Restoring beneficial organisms that attack, repel, or otherwise...
The Center for Biological Control at University of California, Berkeley
The Center for Biological Control's mission is to facilitate the implementation of biological control through research, training and outreach...
The EPA's Biopesticides Web Page
This web page features the latest information and news on biopesticides, with factsheets on individual biopesticide products and active ingredients.
The Organic Exchange: A Unique Resource for Companies and Consumers Interested in Organic Cotton
"The Organic Exchange is a non-profit organization committed to expanding organic agriculture, with a specific focus on increasing the production...
The Small Farm Center at University of California at Davis
California's Small Farm Program provides production and marketing information to farmers not reached by traditional extension programs. Their...
Training and Research for Beginning Farmers, from the University of Wisconsin's Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems
This page links to the various beginning farmer programs available through the University of Wisconsin: a school for beginning market growers, a...
Transitioning to Organic Production
This document features an overview of organic farming, production advice, transition guidance, a section on the economics of organic production, an...
University of California's Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program
This web site features publications and advice on how to manage pests, including incredibly detailed management guidelines for dozens of crops, and...
Acres USA's Eco-Ag Online Bookstore
The Acres USA online book store is full hundreds of exceptional titles on ecological and organic farming, organized by useful categories like...
An Extensive Resource Listing for Organic Production from Cornell's Small Farms Program
This listing includes links to resources on organic certification, organic transition, organic marketing, organic dairy, organic field crops,...
Apples: Organic and Low-Spray Apple Production
This publication surveys information appropriate to organic and low-spray apple production, drawing on recent research and producer experience....
Applying the Principles of Sustainable Farming: Fundamentals of Sustainable Agriculture
This publication discusses the principles of environmental, economic, and social sustainability, and provides practical examples of how to apply...
ATTRA Newsletter Provides a Variety of Resources on Transitioning to Organic
This late 2006 newsletter features: myths and realities about going organic, information on a program in Montana to assist farmers in...
Community Alliance with Family Farmers
The Community Alliance with Family Farmers is a state-wide organization with membership chapters in many counties. They organize field days and...
Grains: Organic Grain--Another Way
This educational package of 3 video tapes, 2 200-page books, and assorted reprints can serve as a framework for study and discussion groups...
Herbs. Herbal Harvest: Commercial Organic Production of Quality Dried Herbs
Herbal Harvest is the most comprehensive book on organic herb production in print. In over 550 pages Greg Whitten covers all facets of commercial...
Invasive Species Ecology and Biological Control Lab at Michigan State University
The lab focuses on the ecology and management of invasive species in natural and managed ecosystems. Research themes include understanding the...
Maine Organic Farmers & Gardeners Association (MOFGA)
The Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA), formed in 1971, is the oldest and largest state organic organization in the country....
NEON: Northeast Organic Project
A project based at Cornell University, NEON is a consortium of farmers, researchers, extension educators and grassroots nonprofits working together...
New Organic Production Guide from Center for Environmental Farming Systems in North Carolina
The new CEFS organic production guide contains 10 chapters, each addressing a different topic important to organic production: composting, cover...
Organic Agriculture at Washington State University
Washington State's CSANR (Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources) web site hosts articles, information and resources on a range of...
Organic Certification Guide from Chatham County Center North Carolina Extension
This website features a link to a series of informative articles to help farmers understand and navigate the certification rules and process. It...
Organic Farm Internships/Apprenticeships
Farm internships and apprenticeships include opportunities on organic farms. Growers looking for interns and apprentices can also submit a listing.
Organic Production Data from the USDA Economic Research Service
A great collection of data on the size and scope of organic in this country: certified organic acreage and livestock numbers, data by crop (in...
Resources for Technical Assistance for Organic Production
This USDA web page shows organic producers where can they receive technical assistance on organic production, certification, and marketing. It...
Searchable Database of Organic Farm Supplies
Producers can search this North American database for organic farm inputs such as fish fertilizers, humates, compost, growing media, biological...
The Non-GMO Sourcebookfee
Features a listing of more than 600 non-GMO suppliers and service companies, including growers, grain suppliers, GMO testing labs, ingredient...
Vegetable Crop Handbook for the Southeastern US, 2007
While not directed at organic growers, this comprehensive guide book does provide valuable information on crop rotations, soil fertility, cover...
Vegetables: Cornell Integrated Crop and Pest Management Guidelines for Commercial Vegetable Production
This online guidebook, 28 chapters long, covers the basics of integrated pest management strategies and tactics, looks at disease, insect and weed...
Vegetables: Organic Vegetable Production In California--A Series
This web page links you to documents on: * Organic Certification, Farm Production Planning, and Marketing Soil Management and Soil Quality for...
Vegetables: Post Harvest Handling for Best Crop Quality, from the Wisconsin School for Beginning Market Gardeners
An excellent overview of the basics of effective post-harvest handling for fruits and vegetables. It discusses the factors that lead to loss of...

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