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Contribute to DSU

Contribute to DSU
Influence Generations with the Gift of Giving…
Invest in the Future of Delaware State University

For nearly 115 years, Delaware State University has recognized its responsibility to educate students and prepare them for life.  To deliver on that promise, public universities like ours depend upon tuition revenues and private and government support to sustain ongoing programs, launch new ones, and attract and retain our students.  The past generosity of our donors and other supporters has enabled thousands of students to make their marks on the world.  Just as education is an ongoing process, so is the need for financial support from Delaware State University’s alumni, family and friends.  Now, you have the opportunity to give to this life-changing institution by contributing in a variety of ways.

Delaware State University is reaching out in an unprecedented manner to alumni, friends, and corporate and foundation partners, inspiring them to invest in the University's academic and intellectual pursuits and celebrate the rich University legacy. The links below tell our story and show you how to take the next step by contributing to Delaware State University.

Facts About Delaware State

Your guide to essential information about Delaware State University, including enrollment figures, student and faculty profiles is available at DSU at a Glance.

How to Contribute

Cash Gifts (Including checks, money orders, and credit cards)
Contributions are payable to the Delaware State University Foundation, Inc., and may be mailed with the contribution form to the address below. Contributions are Non-Refundable.

Matching Gifts (Corporate matches for individual donations)
Employers provide important financial support through their employee matching gift programs.  Donors can check with their Human Resource offices or us to determine whether their organizations offer such a program.  If eligible, the donor simply fills out the appropriate matching gift form and sends it.  Matching gifts are included as part of the donors’ total gifts for club level memberships.  If your organization provides matching gifts, they will supply you with the appropriate form(s).

Appreciated Securities
Delaware State University can receive support in the form of stock.  Giving a gift in this manner reduces capital gains taxes on appreciated securities and provides an income tax charitable deduction for the full fair market value of the stock at the time of the gift.  Tax and securities professionals can provide specific counsel with respect to such transactions.  Contact our office for a transfer form and instructions.

Life Income Gifts
Donors may transfer cash or stock to Delaware State University and establish charitable gift annuities that provide them with an annual return greater than most bank Certificates of Deposit.  This income is paid to the donors for life, after which the assets are distributed to the University.  This type of gift has the dual advantages of increasing donor income and making a significant and deductible gift. Contact us to make such transfers and to establish charitable gift annuities.

The federal estate tax can still take 40% - 50% of one’s estate at the time of death.  A charitable bequest to the Delaware State University Foundation, Inc. in a donor’s will can benefit the University and reduce estate taxes.  Your legal counsel will assist you in this matter.

Capstone Societies

Influence Generations with the Gift of Giving… Invest in the Future of Delaware State University
Your generosity directly contributes to Delaware State universities reputation as a leader in higher education. As a token of our appreciation, you will be placed into one of our eight Capstone Societies based on the amount of your donation. As a member of a Capstone Society, you will enjoy certain privileges and benefits for your level of support to Delaware State.

The Benefactors' Society ($100,000 or more)
The Founders' Society ($50,000-$99,999)
The Trustees’ Society ($10,000-$49,999)
The President’s Club ($1,000-$9,999)
The Partners Club ($500-$999)
The Patrons Club ($250-$499)
The Century Club ($100-$249)

Contribution Form

Members of the Public
Please click here fill out our Online Contribution Form.
To contribute by mail fill out our Contribution Form (Acrobat PDF format) and send it in to us at the address below.

Faculty and Staff
Please click here for our Online Contribution Form.
To contribute by mail, fill out our PDF Contribution Form and mail it to us at the address below.

Thank you for supporting DSU!

Contact Us

Please contact the Delaware State University Development Office to discuss any of the aforementioned items.  We are willing to provide you or your financial representative with any necessary information.  We recommend that you seek the advice of a professional to determine what giving options best suit your circumstances.

Delaware State University Foundation, Inc.
Development Office
1200 N. DuPont Highway
Dover, DE 19901
Fax: 302.857.6058