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Academic Support Center

Laura H. Kurtz, Director
William C. Jason Library, 2nd Floor, Main Office - Room 214
(302) 857-6385 (phone) / (302) 857-6386 (fax)


A Message from the Director

The Academic Support Center (ASC) is a unit within the Division of Academic Enrichment. The staff assists Delaware State University with the retention of students through its variety of academic support programs, services and activities. In many cases, the ASC coordinates its efforts with other University offices such as Summer Bridge, Testing, Mentoring and Advising, and Career Services to insure a comprehensive set of services.

The ASC is here to help everyone. All a student has to do is ask for it! The ASC promotes free programs, services, and activities—all with the goal of increasing academic success. Successful students are encouraged to take on leadership roles within the ASC as tutors and supplemental instructors.

The ASC offers activities that provide students with extensive academic assistance through individual and group tutoring, group study sessions, academic success and study skills classes and workshops, testing accommodations for eligible students with diagnosed learning disabilities, and general assistance and referral throughout the year. These programs and activities are designed to assist all students enhance their academic performance while pursuing their degree programs. Please see further explanation of these services below.

Academic Support Center Staff
Academic Support Center Staff
Cindy Seto-Friel, Jackye Fountain, Jen Gilroy, Laura Kurtz, Claude Tameze, Karen Robinson


Academic Enrichment Courses

Cindy Seto-FrielCindy Seto-Friel, Academic Support Services Technical/Adjunct Coordinator
Main Office-Library Room 214   (302) 857-6385   cfriel@desu.edu

Courses include: Learning Strategies for Academic Success, Reading Lab, and University Seminar. For further information, click here.

Tutoring Center

Jackye FountainJackye Fountain, Coordinator
Library Room 206, Office-Library 206A   (302)857-6389   jfountain@desu.edu

Students may sign up for a personal tutor for courses across the curriculum. Tutors will schedule appointments in the library at the convenience of the student. For further information, click here.

Office of Disabilities Services

Laura KurtzLaura H. Kurtz, Director
Office-Library Rooms 214 A&B     (302) 857-6388   lkurtz@desu.edu

Students with documented learning or physical disabilities may request reasonable accommodations to address their specific needs.  Students, who are struggling with understanding coursework while demonstrating solid effort, may ask for a screening, consultation, and/or referral for an in-depth evaluation.  Students with temporary disabilities may also apply for services. For further information, click here.

Staying-On-Course Program (SOC)

Karen RobinsonKaren Robinson, Coordinator
Office-Library Room 213    (302) 857-7840    krobinso@desu.edu

Students on Academic Probation or Readmitted Suspension are required to participate in academic enrichment activities that promote their return to Academic Good Standing. For further information, click here.

Supplemental Instruction Program (SI)

Supplemental Instruction (SI) offers weekly study sessions to students taking "historically” difficult courses. SI participants meet with their leader and classmates outside of class to discuss challenging concepts and develop study strategies. They develop a better understanding of course content and learn how to effectively test themselves. For further information, click here.

Drop-In Computer Lab 

Jackye FountainJackye Fountain, Computer Specialist     
Library Rooms 205 and 206     (302) 857-6389   jfountain@desu.edu

Monday-Thursday 9:00am-9:00pm & Friday 9:00am-3:00pm (hours subject to change.)
Students are required to have a current pass code issued by the Academic Computing Office in order to gain access to computers.  The Coordinator serves as a resource for technical assistance, information, and study sessions. For further information, click here.

Drop-In Mathematics Center

Monday-Thursday 12:00pm-8:00pm & Friday 9:00am-3:00pm (hours subject to change.)
Students may drop in for assistance with any Mathematics assignment. For further information, click here.  

Drop-In Writing Center

Jean GilroyJean Gilroy, Coordinator     
Library Room 205, Office-Library Room 207    (302) 857-7540    jgilroy@desu.edu

Monday-Thursday 10:00am-9:00pm, Friday 9:00am-3:00pm, & Sunday 6:00pm-10:00pm (hours subject to change). Students may drop in for assistance with any writing assignment across the curriculum. For further information, click here.