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Frequently Asked Questions



  1. Student is not registered in the course
  2. Student tried to access Blackboard prior to being added
  3. "Flip-flopping" the username and password
  4. Student is using an UPPERCASE D for username.
  5. Student is using a lowercase d for password.
  6. Student uses an UPPERCASE gender letter
  7. Student logs into incorrect web site, http://blackboard.com. The correct web site is http://dsuonline.blackboard.com


Q. Why can't I log-in to Blackboard?

A. Blackboard is case sensitive. The letter d in the student's ID number must be lowercase. The letter D in the students password must be uppercase. Students passwords consist of their dates of birth, if this information is incorrect, student will not be able to log-in. Have students verify their DOB with the Records Office.


Q. Why don't I see all of the online courses that I am enrolled in listed under my courses?

A. If student was not registered for the course through Banner, then the DLC staff cannot enroll the student. Stop by the Distance Learning Center to verify enrollment in the course