Centre For Alternative Technology

   CAT Media Centre

Media Services

Press Releases: CAT produces regular press releases and receives coverage in hundreds of national publications. Our press releases, many with accompanying images, are available here. If you want to be added to the CAT press release mailing list, please contact our media department media@cat.org.uk

Image Library: We have an extensive image library, organised by subject. Images are available by post. We also have several Photo Galleries chronicling some of our recent projects.

Website: The CAT website receives over 40,000 visitors each month.

Filming locations: The CAT visitor complex is the ideal place to start any exploration of sustainable technologies. Powered mainly from wind, water and solar energy systems, our visitor centre aims to inspire, inform and enable visitors to make changes in the way they relate to the environment. The many sustainable technology displays, as well as the beautiful surroundings, make the centre an ideal filming location. We can supply up to 3kW of renewable energy for your filming needs.

Technical Consultancy: CAT can provide information, advice and references on all aspects of sustainable technology, specialising in renewable energy, energy efficiency, environmental building, alternative water supply / treatment, organic growing and related areas. We draw on a wealth of expertise and extensive sources of technical data including unique databases of contacts and suppliers.

Sustainability Experts: CAT is home to leading experts in sustainability. They are all media-friendly and available for interview.

Clean Slate: Clean Slate, the magazine for members of the Centre for Alternative Technology, has a circulation of over 7,000 readers. A synopsis of the latest edition of Clean Slate, as well as details of how to subscribe to the magazine or buy individual copies, can be found on our Membership Page.

For details on any of the above services please contact:

Alex Randall

Email: media@cat.org.uk

Telephone: +44 (0)1654 705957


Media Homepage
News Index
Image Library
Photo Galleries
  • AtEIC
  • Straw Bale Theatre
  • Community Wind Turbine
  • CAT 30th Anniversary
  • New Displays
  • Volunteers
  • Clean Slate

    Copyright © 1995-2009 Centre for Alternative Technology Charity Limited, a company limited by guarantee
    Charity no. 265239; Company no. 1090006, registered in Wales; registered office: Llwyngwern, Machynlleth, Powys, SY20 9AZ; VAT number: 377 8917 83

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