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Office of Mentoring and Advising

Harry J. Sanchez, Director
(302) 857-7974

A Message from the Director

The Office of Mentoring and Advising (OMA) (located in the William C. Jason Library, Room 204) is designed to ease the student's transition to University life and to enrich the quality of life for the student at Delaware State University. The ultimate goal is to increase student retention, from the Freshman to Senior Year. To accomplish this, the OMA Staff assists in the coordination of the activities as provided below. Please feel free to e-mail me at the above address, or call our office, if you have any questions, concerns or would like to make suggestions to improve our services to you.

University Mentoring Programs

The DSU mentoring program is designed to foster a supportive and nurturing experience for the personal, social and intellectual development of DSU students. The mentoring program is currently executed in two phases at DSU; the Professional Mentoring Program and the Peer Mentoring Program. Peer mentors are selected through an interview process based on academic achievement and leadership potential. Faculty referrals are strongly encouraged. Peer mentors assist students, faculty and staff in the Program Jumpstart, and Project Success programs, and the University Seminars.

The DSU Professional Mentoring Program matches students with administrators, faculty and staff. This program encourages cooperative participation in a broad range of activities and provides opportunities for social bonding.

Advising for Undeclared Majors

The activities for academic advising provide services for the Undeclared Majors and Special Student Populations. Academic advising is conducted during the New Student Orientations, Student Transition Week in August and January and Pre-Registration periods in the Fall and Spring. In addition, staff members are available throughout the year to address the concerns of the Undeclared Major and Special Student.

Career Services Resources

Undergraduate Academic Advisement Handbook

The role of the academic advisor is critical to the development and success of our students. This handbook is designed to serve as a reference guide to the advisement process and to assist both the advisor and advisee. The handbook is divided into four sections which cover topics to include the overview of advising, roles and functions of advisors, responsibilities of advisors and advisees, campus referral and resources, advisement procedures and the university policies and forms.

Academic Early Alert System (EAS)

The Early Alert System (EAS) is a referral system designed to facilitate initial and ongoing communication between Faculty and the Division of Academic Enrichment, specifically, the Office of Student Support Services.  Faculty play a key role in submitting the EAS referrals which indicate those students who exhibit concerns in areas such as attendance, assignment submission and grades, inappropriate behavior, as well as those who may need tutorials (math/writing) or counseling referrals.  The EAS is a catalyst in efforts to increase our retention rates and overall graduation rates for our student body.

Academic Peer Leader (APL) Program

The Academic Peer Leader (APL) Program is designed to enhance the total student experience at DSU.  As an APL, you will assist the Mentoring and Advising staff during advisement, registration and orientation periods (fall, spring and summer); advise and assist students with course selection and registration; provide students with academic and other support services information; create an awareness to university, departmental and Mentoring and Advising policies; and connect and engage students with academic departments.