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Admissions Policies

Academic Computing Office
Academic Credit
Course Changes After Publication
Course Numbering
Campus Security

Deletion Dates Due To Non-Payment
General Registration Facts
Late Registration
New Room Selection Policy
Official Withdrawal

On-Site Registration
Overload Fee Policy

Section/CRN Numbers
Student ID
Web Registration & Drop/Add

General Registration Facts

Students are officially registered for courses only when they have complied with all of the procedures applying to registration, including full payment of tuition and fees, and validation of student ID

For students who register by mail, tuition and applicable fees are payable in full on the due date specified on the bill received from Student Accounts. For students who register on-site, tuition and applicable fees are payable at the time of registration.

Delaware State University regularly mails bills to students, but cannot assume responsibility for their receiving bills. If students do not receive bills on or before the beginning of the semester, it is the student's responsibility to contact the Office of Student Accounts at (302) 857-6240 to obtain information relative to their bill or go online to Student Services to view their bill.



All students returning to Delaware State University following the current semester of residence should pre-register during the period prescribed in the Academic Calendar. Returning students who do not pre-register prior to on-site registration will be assessed a $30.00 failure to pre-register fee. An additional $30.00 will be assessed if students register during the late registration period.


On-Site Registration

Each year one week prior to the start of classes for the fall and spring semesters, Delaware State University gives non-enrolled students an opportunity to register in person. During this three day period, new students who did not enroll during one of the Summer New Student Orientation sessions and returning students who did not register prior to this period are advised by their academic departments' designees and permitted to register. All billing issues must be handled during this period to avoid being deleted from courses on the registration purge date.


Late Registration

Any student who did not pre-register or participate in on-site registration may register during the Late Registration Period. Late Registration starts January 21, 2003 and ends February 4, 2003. The late registration fee is an additional $30.00.



To drop or add a course, students may obtain approval from their advisor or department chair and go online and adjust their schedule or obtain a DROP/ADD form from the department chair. The form is to be turned in to the academic department through the late registration period and to the Registrar's Office thereafter, bearing the required signatures. Students may drop or add courses as indicated on the Academic Calendar. A drop fee of $10.00 per course will be assessed after late registration. Students who DROP courses which result in a credit on their student account must request a refund through the Office of Student Accounts. Students requesting to drop or add classes after the last day to drop or add courses must obtain the signature of their academic dean as well as their instructor and advisor/chair.


Web Registration & Drop / Add

It is required that all degree seeking students consult with an advisor prior to registering or making changes to their existing schedules. Students may have their academic departments continue to enter their registration and schedule changes (drop/adds) or they may register and make schedule adjustments on-line. To obtain your "alternate pin" for registering on-line, see your academic advisor after building your course schedule on the pre-printed Schedule Request Form in the DSU Course Schedule and Registration Guide. To register online visit the University's Student Services web site or review the Registration Information.


Official Withdrawal

To officially withdraw from all courses, students must complete a Withdrawal Form in the Counseling Office. The office is located in the Education and Humanities Building, room 123.


Course Changes After Publication

Every effort is made to have course information accurate at the time of publication of the DSU Spring 2003 Semester Course Schedule and Registration Guide, however, departments may need to make changes to their courses after publication. Students are advised to consult the department or the Student Services web pages for changes.

The University reserves the right to cancel courses due to insufficient enrollment and other reasons.


Academic Computing Office

(302) 857-7028

In order to use any computer resources (including PCs, PC labs, printers, network connections and hard disk storage) on campus, you will need to have a valid DSU student computer account (login name and password). You may apply for an account in the Academic Computing Office located in the Science Center North, Room 306. Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Allow five days to process your application.


Overload Fee Policy

For all course overloads, undergraduates will be assessed a fee equivalent to the cost per-credit for each hour that exceeds 19 credit hours each semester.


Deletion Dates Due To Non-Payment

Students' tentative housing assignments and registrations will be deleted due to non-payment of room, board, tuition and fees in accordance with the schedule below:

December 13
Registration January 3

Students may be reinstated after meeting all financial obligations based on available space in residence halls and/or classes.


Academic Credit

Credit will not be granted for a course in which the student is not officially registered.



(302) 857-6225

Operating Hours First Week of Classes
Monday-Friday 8:00 am — 7:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 am — 3:00 pm
Sunday Closed
General Operating Hours
Monday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 am — 4:00 pm
Tuesday, Wednesday 8:30 am — 6:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 am — 3:00 pm
Sunday Closed


Student ID

Returning students who need a replacement ID may obtain one for $50. (Make payment at the Cashier's Office before reporting to be photographed.) Only those students who have satisfied all financial obligations to the University may have their student ID validated. A validated ID card is required for reentrance to the dining hall and to access library resources.


Course Numbering

Undergraduate course numbers are 000-499. Graduate course numbers are 500 and above.


Section / CRN Numbers

Main campus section numbers are 00-39 for day classes and 90-95 for evening classes (e.g., classes offered at or after 4:00 p.m.). Courses with section numbers 79 (undergraduate) and 62 (graduate) indicate courses that are offered at the Georgetown site. Sections 86, 87 or 88 (undergraduate) and 62, 63 or 65 (graduate) indicate course offerings at the Wilmington sites.


CRN numbers are unique system-generated numbers assigned to each course.

Course and Section Numbers Undergraduate Level Graduate Level
Main (Dover) Campus Sections 00-39 (day)
90-95 (evening)
Howard HS of Technology (Wilmington) Sections 86 65
Georgetown Site Sections 79 62
New Wilmington Campus (Market Street) 88-89 63


New Room Selection Policy

Effective Fall 2001, students cannot obtain a dorm room assignment if they are not registered and have not made financial arrangements with the University, including filing the FAFSA, when applicable.


Campus Security

Delaware State University is committed to assisting all members of the Delaware State University community in providing for their own safety and security.

Information regarding campus security and personal safety including topics such as, crime prevention, university police law enforcement authority, crime reporting policies, crime statistics for the most recent three-year period, and disciplinary procedure is available on the DSU website at http://www.desu.edu/docs/year/police/2006CleryWeb.pdf.

If you would like a booklet containing this information, you can contact a representative of the DSU Department of Public Safety at 1200 N. DuPont Highway, Public Safety Bldg., Dover, DE 19901 or by phone at (302) 857-6290.
