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5 Steps to Placing a Course Online

Step 1

Professor Contacts Distance
Learning Center

Step 2

Gather Course

Step 3

One-on-One Initial
Blackboard Training/
Course Development

Step 4

Memorandum of

Step 5

Course is Complete

Step 1: The professor contacts the Distance Learning Center displaying an interest in participating in the Distance Learning program. The activity secretary schedules the initial Blackboard training.

Step 2: Prior to attending the initial Blackboard training, the professor sends course materials (i.e. Syllabi, graphics, documents, etc.) to the Distance Learning Center (preferably on disk or via email as an attachment to: msims@desu.edu). All course material should be in Microsoft Office programs, as that is the official software of Delaware State University. A team member will then take the information and create the course shell.

Step 3: The professor attends the one-on-one session for Blackboard training/ course development. This process takes approximately 2 hours. At this time the course web site is built and the professor is given a Faculty Memorandum of Understanding.

Step 4: The Faculty Memorandum of Understanding is returned to the Distance Learning Center with the following three signatures: the Faculty Member, department Chairperson, and the Dean. This must be received before the course can be opened to students.

Step 5: The course is complete and up and running! Professors may send any additional information (i.e. Tests, Quizzes, PowerPoint slides, Assignments, etc.) that he/she needs added to the course to the Distance Learning Center at any time and the Distance Learning Staff will upload the information into Blackboard.

Registration Procedures

  1. Student registers for course(s).
  2. Registrar provides class listing to Distance Learning.
  3. Students are updated into Blackboard
    • Students who register prior to school starting will be added to his/her Blackboard course prior to classes beginning.
    • Students who register after school starts will be added to Blackboard weekly.

    PLEASE NOTE: It is the Professor's responsibility to check the Blackboard listing against his/her attendance.