Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center  ·  University of Nevada, Reno

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Terms of Use for Licensed Online Resources

Use of the online databases and ejournals provided by the University of Nevada is governed by license agreements.  These agreements require the University to give access only to its students, faculty, and staff (though, in most cases, they also allow use by unaffiliated visitors who are physically present on campus).  They also place certain obligations on the individual user. 

Among these are the following:

As you use these resources, please keep the above obligations in mind.  If you fail to adhere to them, you may lose your network privileges and face other disciplinary action.  Severe breaches of the license terms can result in the entire University losing access to important online resources.

For more details about your obligations when using University computing and network resources, see the Information Technology Policies page

18 August 2005

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