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Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I)

Global Gridded Products

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The Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Special Sensor Microwave/Imager(SSM/I) became operational in July 1987 on the F-8 satellite. Subsequent SSM/I's have been flown on the F- 10 (November 1990), F-11 (December 1991), F-12 (August 1994), F-13 (March 1995), F-14 (April 1997) and most recently, F-15 (January 2000) satellites. At present, NESDIS receives data from the F-13, F-14 and F-15 satellites.

Image of SSMI Composite

The SSM/I is a seven channel passive microwave radiometer operating at four frequencies (19,35, 22,235, 37.0, and 85.5 GHz) and dual-polarization (except at 22.235 GHz which is V-polarization only). It should be noted that the SSM/I will be replaced by an advanced sensor, the SSMIS (Special Sensor Microwave Imager Sounder) on the F-16 satellite, which was launched in October 2003. The F-16 data is now available through the NESDIS CLASS system. There should be little impact on the suite of hydrological products described here, as the primary channels used are very similar between the SSM/I and SSMIS.

Scientists at the NOAA/NESDIS Office of Research & Applications are actively involved in SSM/I algorithm development and validation, and the application of such algorithms for weather forecasting and analysis, and climate evaluation. Additionally, the SSM/I has been used to develop algorithms for use on the NOAA-15, NOAA-16 and NOAA-17 Advanced Microwave Sounding Units (AMSU), which contains some frequencies similar to those on the SSM/I (e.g., 23.8, 31.4, and 89.0 GHz), but will not have polarization information. Please visit the NOAA/NESDIS/Microwave Surface and Precipitation Products System web site for more information.

The SSM/I products are useful for evaluating the mean climate state, its interannual and seasonal variations, and the detection of anomalies associated with ENSO and regional climatic variations. A time series of the entire SSM/I archive, now entering its 18th year, includes data from July 1987 to the present. Monthly average products are produced for precipitation, cloud liquid water, total precipitable water, snow cover, sea-ice cover, and oceanic surface wind speed.

A paper by M. Colton and G. Poe entitled "Intersensor Calibration of DMSP SSM/I's: F-8 to F-14; 1987-97" appears in the January 1999 issue of IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing and is a good reference on the SSM/I sensor.

A good overview of the products available from the SSM/I can be found in the May 1996 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society: pages 891-905.

"An Eight Year (1987-1994) Time Series of Rainfall, Clouds, Water Vapor, Snow-cover, and Sea-ice Derived from SSM/I Measurements" by R. Ferraro, F. Weng, N. Grody, and A. Basist"

Copies are also available from Ralph Ferraro (

A preview image and a description of the monthly product is available for each of the following:

To visualize the monthly products and for other interesting information please visit the SSM/I Climate Web Page.

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Top of Page Description of Dataset Files

  • Data Type - 4-byte floating point (binary) data (generated on a Windows platform - see sample program and notes below).
  • Quality Control - Input data source is quality controlled prior to product generation at NOAA/NESDIS.
  • Data Origin - The input data originates from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP), Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) instrument. A subsampled, 1/3 degree gridded daily archive of this data has been assembled by researchers at the NOAA/NESDIS/Office of Research and Applications. These daily fields are used as input to generate the monthly products.
  • Content Elements

    • One-Degree Products

      The files have the following naming convention:


      where ppp=product type and yy=year (e.g., 87 for 1987).
      (Note that data from other than the current year are compressed on the UNIX basedhost and have the .Z extension).

      Each field is stored as a 1440 byte record of 4-byte real variables which have been generated on a Windows based computer (see sample program and notes below regarding format issues when using on another platform). Each record contains 360 values corresponding to each degree of longitude, with the first element corresponding to longitude 0.5° East, the second 1.5° East, etc., and the last 0.5° West. The first record contains data centered at latitude 89.5° South, the second record contains data centered at 88.5° South, etc., and the last 89.5° North. Missing data are indicated by a value of -999.0.

      The first 180 records in the data set correspond to January of that year, the next 180 is February, etc. The total length of each annual data set is 180*1440*12=3,110,400 bytes.Please note that previous years data have been compressed and have the .Z extension.

      The following describes the content of the 1 degree gridded files:

      1. cfr.yy - Monthly mean cloud fraction (0 - 1.0)
      2. ice.yy - Monthly mean sea-ice cover (0 - 100 percent)
      3. lwp.yy - Monthly mean liquid water path (1000 * mm)
      4. pfr.yy - Monthly mean rain fraction (0 - 1.0)
      5. pre.yy - Monthly rainfall (mm)
      6. snw.yy - Monthly mean snow cover fraction (0 - 1.0 percent)
      7. ssa.yy - Monthly mean sampling fraction (0 - 1.0)
      8. win.yy - Monthly mean surface wind speed (m/sec)
      9. wvp.yy - Monthly mean total precipitable water (mm)

      A sample segment of FORTRAN code to read the data:

          REAL*4 SSMI(360,180)
          DO I=1,12
          READ(10) SSMI
          END DO

      It should be noted that the datasets are generated in a PC environment.  Users working on other platforms  will likely have to change the byteorder and/or be faced with chosing  "little endian" or "big endian".  See the notes section at the bottom for some routines to handle this.

      Period of Record

      The data set begins in 1987 and is continually updated with current data. The first valid month of data is July 1987. Due to F8 instrument failure, there is no valid data for December 1987, July 1990 - December 1991. The F8 satellite is used from July 1987 through December 1991.  The F11 satellite is used from January 1992 through April 1995.  The F13 satellite is used from May 1995 to the present.

    • 2.5-Degree Products
    • The files have the following naming convention:


      where ppp=product type.

      Each field is stored as a 576 byte record of 4-byte real variables which have been generated on a personal computer. Each record contains 144 values corresponding to each 2.5° of longitude, with the first element corresponding to longitude 1.25° East, the second 2.5° East, etc. and the last 1.25° West. The first record contains data centered at latitude 88.75° South, the second record contains data centered at 86.25° South, etc. and the last 88.75° North. Missing data are indicated by a value of -999.0. Negative values in the pr1 and pr2 rainfall products denote indeterminate rainfall due to snow and ice cover; the absolute value indicates the fraction of ice/snow cover for the month.

      The next 72 records in the data set correspond to January 1987, 72 is February 1987, etc. and the last 72 records correspond to December of the current year. The total length of each data set is 72*576*15*(# of years 2002 # of years = 16)= total # of bytes.

      The following describes the content of the 2.5° gridded files:

      1. cfr.mon - Monthly mean cloud fraction (0 - 1.0)
      2. lwp.mon - Monthly mean liquid water path (1000*mm)
      3. pf1.mon - Monthly mean rain fraction (0 - 1.0) using 85 GHz scattering algorithm over land, scattering/emission over ocean (ALG#1)
      4. pr1.mon - Monthly rainfall (mm) using ALG#1
      5. pf2.mon - Monthly mean rain fraction (0 - 1.0) using 37 GHz scattering algorithm over land, emission over ocean (ALG#2)
      6. pr2.mon - Monthly rainfall (mm) using ALG#2
      7. ssa.mon - Monthly mean sampling fraction (0 - 1.0)
      8. ice.mon - Monthly mean sea-ice cover (0 - 100 percent)
      9. snw.mon - Monthly mean snow cover fraction (0 - 1.0 percent)
      10. wvp.mon - Monthly mean total precipitable water (mm)

      A sample segment of FORTRAN code to read the data:

          REAL*4 SSMI(144,72)
      C    OPEN FILE
      C    LOOP OVER ENTIRE TIME SERIES (1987-2002)
          DO I=1,196
          READ(10) SSMI
          END DO

      It should be noted that the datasets are generated in a PC environment. Users working on other platforms; will likely have to change the byteorder and/or be faced with chosing "little endian" or "big endian". See the notes section at the bottom for some routines to handle this.

      Period of Record

    • The data set begins in 1987 and is continually updated with current data. The first valid month of data is July 1987. Due to F8 instrument failure, there is no valid data for December 1987. There is no valid data for cfr, lwp, pf1, and pr1 for July 1990 - December 1991.


    The original data is generated in a PC environment. If the data is used in other computer environments, the data may have to be byte-swapped (e.g., byte 1 becomes byte 4, byte 2 becomes byte 3, etc.). Also, some users will also have to be concerned with "little endian"/"big endian" issue depending on your platform. A few helpful application tips:

    • If you use IDL, you can utilize the "byteorder" routine to help you in this conversion.

    • If you use GRADS, you can utilize the "OPTIONS" feature in your control file and specify "BYTESWAPPED", "LITTLE ENDIAN", etc.
    • Below is a sample program provided by Steve Phipps ( who developed a routine to convert the binary data to ASCII on an Alpha platform, where it was required to use direct access:

    program format_ssmi

    ! Description: Reads in one year's worth of SSM/I monthly average sea ice
    !  concentrations, on a 1x1 degree grid, and writes the data
    !  to a new file as text for use by other programs.
    ! Usage: format_ssmi <input_file> <output_file>
    !  e.g. format_ssmi ice.87 ice.87.txt
    ! Written by: Steve Phipps  22 July 2002

      implicit none

      ! Define parameters
      integer, parameter :: nx=360, ny=180, inunit=10, outunit=11

      ! Declare local variables
      integer :: j, k, record
      real, dimension(nx, ny) :: data
      real, dimension(nx) :: temp
      character(len=40) :: infile, outfile

      ! Get file names
      call getarg(1, infile)
      call getarg(2, outfile)

      ! Open input file for read access
      open (unit=inunit, file=infile, status='old', recl=nx, &
            form='unformatted', action='read', access='direct')

      ! Open output file for write access
      open (unit=outunit, file=outfile, status='new', form='formatted', &

      ! Loop over months
      do k = 1, 12

        ! Read in data for this month
        do j = 1, ny

          ! Set record number
          record = ny *(k-1) + j

          ! Read this record
          read (inunit,rec=record) temp

          ! Add record to data array
          data(:, j) = temp

        end do 

        ! Write data for this month to output file
        write (outunit, *) data

      end do

      ! Close files
      close (inunit)
      close (outunit)

    end program format_ssmi

    b. The products are generated from a single satellite with observation times near 6 am/pm local time and contain the following:

    F8 satellite: July 1987 - June 1991
    F11 satellite: January 1992 - April 1995
    F13 satellite: May 1995 - present
    There are some missing data periods as noted above.

  • Problem Areas
  • a. The 2.5 degree pr2 and pf2 products have artifacts along coastlines and the sea-ice boundary. These are due to the larger footprint sizes of the lower frequency channels (e.g., 19 GHz) used in the retrievals.

    b. The 1 degree rainfall product does not make a distinction between "zero" rain and "indeterminate" rain (due to snow and ice cover), which is indicated as zero rain. It is done within the 2.5 degree products.

  • Data Set Producer

  • Ralph Ferraro, E/RA2
    NOAA/NESDIS/Office of Research and Applications
    Hydrology Team
    5200 Auth Road, Room 601
    Camp Springs, MD 20746
    301-763-8251 x147
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