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About the Distance Learning Center

What is Distance Learning?

Distance education is a planned teaching and learning experience that utilizes electronic, instructional systems which engage instructors and learners at varying locations and times.

This approach includes application of learning and teaching technologies that supplement traditional classroom learning with a web-based component.

Our online courses are offered and hosted through Blackboard. We use the Blackboard Learning System an easy-to-use course management system. The web address is: http://dsuonline.blackboard.com.

Our course Web sites fall into three categories, namely:

Web Presence

A Web Presence site provides general information about the course. It provides users information and access to the following areas:

  • Announcements
  • Course Information
  • Educational Resource Center
  • Staff Information
  • Assignments
  • External Links


A Web-Enhanced site contains all the information found in a Web presence course. However, it provides users additional information and access in the following areas:

  • Teaching Materials
  • Virtual Classroom
  • Lecture Materials
  • Student Rosters
  • Exams
  • Digital Drop Box
  • Email
  • Grades
  • Discussion Boards
  • Student Manual
  • Group Pages

This course Web site supports communications between faculty and students. The teaching focus is balanced between using the classroom and the course Web site to complete class work.

Web Course (Online Course)

A Web Course site contains all the information found both in Web Presence and Web-enhanced courses. The teaching focus is done completely online. In other words, a Web course site does not provide any face-to-face interface. It supports access anywhere and anytime via the Internet.