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Student Health Services

Student Health Services

The Student Health Center building is located near the back of the campus between Wynder Towers and Soldier Field (the baseball field).

The Student Health Center offers health care to all full-time and transfer students (12 credit hours or more), full-time commuters and full-time residential graduate students (9 credit hours or more).

During the regular academic year, the Student Health Center is open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

All students must have a pre-entrance physical examination by a Primary Health Care Provider and the results submitted to the Student Health Center on the appropriate form prior to registration before receiving treatment of any kind.

Proof of immunity of measles, mumps, and rubella, is required by the Delaware Division of Public Health. Students must be tested for exposure to tuberculosis by PPD testing prior to their arrival on campus. This test needs to be done at your family physician or local Public Health Department. You will need to provide the Student Health Center with written confirmation of your test results with a date.

A validated Delaware State University Identification Card must be presented in order to receive treatment.

In an emergency, contact the University Police Department (302-857-6290) if assistance is needed in getting the student to the Health Center.

Students are required to send a copy of any health insurance that covers the student (both front and back of insurance identification card), including Medicaid.

Full-time graduate students not living on campus may purchase student health insurance on a voluntary basis. Contact the Dean for information. The insurance is the same as that offered to other registered full-time students, except that it does not require a visit to the Student Health Center as a first visit.

You are welcome to stop by the Student Health Center to pick up a brochure concerning the Health Insurance.