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The Office of Alumni Affairs

About the Alumni Office

Class of 1958The Office of Alumni Affairs is a unit of the Division of Institutional Advancement.  The director reports to the vice president for institutional advancement.

The Office of Alumni Affairs exists to forge, foster and facilitate strong, positive relationships between the university and its graduates, and to bolster the natural camaraderie which exists among them. To this end, the office is involved in the organization of meetings, reunions, and social activities among alumni groups.  It also works in collaboration with other university offices and staff to engage alumni in positive, value added initiatives, projects and programs that broadly enhance mission-based outcomes. The Alumni Office is also responsible for leading production of the alumni newsletter, The ECHO, and other publications which promote university and alumni activities. The office aids alumni in establishing, maintaining, and building upon their DSU connections.

The Office of Alumni Affairs also serves as the clearinghouse for events, activities and the collection of membership dues of the DSU Alumni Association.  

The Office of Alumni Affairs is located in the Maurice E. Thomasson Building, Room 200, on the west end of the campus. Alumni are always welcome and are encouraged to visit whenever they are in the area.

Lorene K. Robinson '77
 Alumni Affairs Technician
Cheryl L. Browning
Contact us
E-mail: alumni@desu.edu
Phone (302) 857-6050 • Fax (302) 857-6052

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