Delaware State University  


Department of Accounting
and Finance

Department of Airway Science

Department of Managment

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Alumni Advisory Council
DE Center for Enterprise Development



• Create and sustain a holistic learning environment.
• Promote honesty, integrity, ethics, diversity, and fairness.
• Prepare students for life-long learning.
• Emphasize innovation and technology in teaching and learning.
• Nurture a culture of teamwork, collegiality and mutual respect.
• Maintain continuous improvement of students, faculty, staff and programs.
• Promote student professional development transition from the classroom to the boardroom.
• Maintain an appreciation of globalization in teaching and learning.
• Partner with the business community and other external constituencies.

As you think about the kind of undergraduate program you want, consider what the College of Business at Delaware State University can offer you. You will be able to take advantage of the following resources and benefits regardless of the major you choose.

You will work with experienced and highly-trained professors who want to see you succeed. Faculty members in the College of Business care about teaching and your success. Their main goal is to provide a challenging learning environment that is responsive to your needs and to the needs of the national and international business communities. They will work closely with you to ensure that you acquire the knowledge and skills that will serve you well in whatever career you choose.

You will have access to excellent facilities. Most of your classes meet in the new Bank of America Building a modern facility that houses multi-media classrooms with distance-learning capabilities, seminar rooms, faculty offices, student lounge, study carrels and state-of-the-art computer facilities. Students also have access to the Delaware Center for Enterprise Development and the Small Business Development Center located in downtown Dover. Hospitality and Tourism Management majors can take advantage of our state-of-the-art kitchen and restaurant facilities in the Bank of America Building.

You will study with students from a variety of backgrounds. Most of your fellow students in the College of Business have come to DSU directly from high schools in Delaware, other parts of the United States, and other parts of the world. However, some of your fellow students will be adults who have returned to school after raising families, completing military careers, or gaining other kinds of work experience. One of the many benefits of attending a university is learning to see things from other peoples point of view. The variety of backgrounds you will encounter in the College of Business will help you do just that.


The Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree Program is designed for working professionals and aspiring managers from a wide range of backgrounds who wish to advance their careers or acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed as managers and leaders in the new economy. Candidates integrate and apply business and organizational concepts and techniques in the functional areas of organizational management.

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