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IPM in Oregon

IPM Resources in Oregon

IPM Resources in the Pacific Northwest

IPM Resources in Western United States

National IPM Resources USA

IPM Resources in Oregon

Technical Assistance Source


Integrated Plant Protection Center
Oregon State University
Web site:

Coordinates IPM programs in Oregon, delivers on-line IPM Handbooks, on-line weather and degree models, e-mail news service; home of the Farmscaping for Beneficials program, Farm Safety Program and Pesticide Safety Education Program and numerous multi-investigator research and extension programs

Additional IPM Program Links through Oregon State University:

Berry and Grape Information Network
ereals Extension
Commercial Vegetable Production Guides
Dryland Cropping Systems
Fruit and Nut Orchard Network
Fruit Crop Pest Alerts
National Pesticide Information Center
National Pesticide Medical Monitoring Program
Nursery Crops
Nursery Weed Management
Oregon Forages
Oregon Small Farms Program
Organic Agriculture
Participatory Organic Potato Project
Weed Science Program

Oregon Invests! database

Database locates researchers or projects in Oregon

OSU Plant Clinic

Identification of plant disease, nematode and arthropod pests Fee based for disease diagnosis. Many samples submitted via county extension offices. Submission forms for insect and disease diagnosis available on web site. A digital image submission system is now also available at

OSU Extension Service Publications

Access to all extension publications, including IPM in multiple commodities.

College of Agricultural Sciences


Oregon Department of Agriculture

ODA Pesticides Division

ODA Plant Division

Includes details of the new Pesticide Use Reporting System and new websites for Section 18 and Section 24c - Pesticide labels

Includes pest alerts, insect management, noxious weed control and Oregon State Weed Board grants program

Farm Support Programs  

USDA Service Center locations

Locate NRCS and Conservation District offices

Oregon Association of Conservation Districts

Locate Conservation District Offices
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

Oregon DEQ
Water Quality Assessment

Details of water quality programs and assessments, including 303)d) listings
Invasive Species  

Oregon Invasive Species Council

Oregon strategy for invasive species management

State Department of Fisheries and Wildlife,
Non Native wildlife

Information on nonnative wildlife

Spatial information on noxious weed distribution

Portland State University Center for
Lakes and Reservoirs

Aquatic invasive weed management

Reed College ‘Invasive weeds of the canyon

University-based invasive species management efforts

Native Plant Society of Oregon: invasive gardening plants of the Southern Willamette

Lists of invasive garden plants

USDA Agencies  

Oregon NRCS

Access to multiple farm conservation programs that provides support to growers

USDA APHIS State Plant Health Directors

Locate the State Plant Health Director

USDA ARS Columbia Plateau Conservation Research Center

Cropping systems and land management in dryland Pacific Northwest

USDA ARS Horticultural Crops
Research Laboratory

Crop protection and production research for horticultural crops

USDA ARS Forage Seed and
Cereal Research Unit

Integrated farming system and plant disease research for forage crops and cereals

USDA ARS National Clonal Germplasm Laboratory

Gene bank for temperate fruit, nut and agronomic crops

Pesticide Poisoning


Pesticide Poisoning Prevention Program

Oregon program to prevent and investigate pesticide poisoning

Oregon Poison Center

24-hour regional poison information services

IPM or Organic Certification


Oregon Tilth

Non-profit organization providing certification and information services for organic and sustainable agriculture

The Food Alliance

Non-profit organization supporting sustainable agriculture

Salmon Safe

Non-profit organization promoting fish-friendly farms

Low Input Viticulture and Enology Inc

Non-profit organization certifying sustainable wine-grape producers

Organic Materials Review Institute

Non-profit organization reviewing substances for use in organic agriculture including pesticides

**return to top**

IPM Resources in the Pacific Northwest

Technical Assistance Source


USDA Risk Management Agency -
Spokane Regional Office

Access to crop fact sheet and detail of insurable crops in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest

PNW Plant Disease Management Handbook

Hard copy and on-line manuals of pest management options from extension personnel in OR, WA and ID. Includes thousands of photographs and links to useful information resources. Up-to-date chemical information; the plant disease guide lists products approved for use within organic agriculture.

PNW Weed Management Handbook

PNW Insect Management Handbook

Treasure Valley Pest Alert network

OSU, UI joint pest alert system for producers in the Treasure Valley region.

Weather and degree-days for IPM decision making

Development models for over 40 pests, diseases and weeds, and general degree-day models for PNW states linked to weather data and maps.

Northwest Berry and Grape Information Network

Comprehensive web-based resources, including IPM information.

Center for Invasive Plant Management

Invasive plant management resources and news

Pesticide Information Center On-line (PICOL)

Washington and Oregon (ODA and IPPC)-funded database of pesticide labels and pesticide tolerances

Pacific Northwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center

Regional program in occupational disease and injury

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IPM Regional Resources in Western United States

Technical Assistance Source


USDA Western Region IPM Center

Administration of regional IPM grants programs, coordination of Pest Management Strategic Plans, organization of regional IPM workshops and conferences; includes announcements for grant programs and events

University of California
Statewide IPM Program

Access to a wide array of services, publications and other relevant resources

Western Region IR-4 Program

Regional minor crop pesticide evaluation program

Western Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (WSARE)

Grants for farmers, ranchers and researchers

Western Plant Diagnostics Network (WNPDN)

Links to university and state diagnostics services and news in the West

Organic Farming Research Foundation

Grants program for on-farm research

Bio-Integral Resource Center

Non-profit organization promoting least toxic IPM alternatives

Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk Project

Invasive species information for Hawaii and the Pacific

**return to top**

National IPM Resources USA

Information source


USDA Agencies


USDA CSREES Pest Management

Links to relevant USDA programs, news and funding opportunities for researchers

USDA National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN)

Pest surveillance and detection and links to diagnostic labs

USDA National Organic Program (NOP)

Details of certification, organic regulations and news

USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)

Plant protection and quarantine monitoring, regulations and permits

USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS)

Access to all ARS research programs and locations

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

Description of conservation programs and links to USDA Service Centers and Conservation Districts

USDA Regional IPM Centers (National site for regional IPM Centers

Links to the four regional centers and their programs, including grants, and Pest Management Strategic Plans (PMSP’s)



US Environmental Protection Agency: Pesticides

Links to grants, regulatory procedures and pesticide information

National Pesticide Information Center

National toll-free public service to answer questions and respond to concerns about any aspect of pesticide use, exposure or toxicity.

National Pesticide Medical Monitoring Program

Access to information about assessment of pesticide exposure, and pesticide poisoning

National Agricultural Statistics Service, Agricultural Chemical Use Database

State level maps and data concerning pesticide use

US Geological Survey (USGS) Pesticide National Synthesis Project

Reports and statistics about pesticide contamination of ground and surface waters

New Pest Management Technologies database

Database of recently developed pesticides

IR-4 Program

Minor crop pesticide evaluation program

Biological Control


Biological Control: A Guide to the Natural Enemies of North America

Photo’s and descriptions of biological control agents

Sustainable Agriculture


National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service

Access to a large number of pest management publications targeted at sustainable production

International IPM


USAID IPM Collaborative Research Support Program

A global IPM program, with grants to encourage US IPM scientists to collaborate internationally


Globally distributed, free electronic newsletter for IPM

IPM Information Sources


IPM World Textbook

On-line IPM textbook in English and Spanish

National School IPM information source

School IPM information

IPM Information Service Urban and landscape IPM information

Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management

An IPM Center resource for diagnosis and management of wildlife problems in agriculture

Invasive Species


National Agricultural Pest Information System (NAPIS)

Access to the pest tracking database of USDA APHIS, including state news

USDA National Invasive Species Information Center

Gateway to state, national and international information

Invasive and exotic species

Information, images, publications

The Nature Conservancy Global Invasive Species

‘Invasives 101’, management strategies and projests

Global Invasive Species Database

Global information on alien invasive species

USGS Invasive Species Information Node

National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) invasive species portal

US Fish and Wildlife Service, Invasive Species

Main site under construction: sub-site provides access to injurious wildlife species evaluations

Other IPM Organizations and Information Sources

National Agricultural Safety Database

Training materials and links to state and regional programs

IPM Institute of N. America

Non-profit organization fostering IPM

Crop Data Management Systems Inc. (pesticide labels)

Pesticide label and MSDS information


Pesticide label and MSDS information: requires registration

NAPPO Phytosanitary Alert System The Phytosanitary Alert System (PAS) provides up-to-date information on pest situations of significance to North America. This system is intended to facilitate awareness, detection, prevention and management of exotic species in North America

USDA Alternative Farming Systems Information Center

National Agricultural Library resources to support sustainable agriculture

Protected Harvest

Non-profit organization offering certification

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