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Dave Zweifel's Plain Talk: On pay hike, most lawmakers just don't get it

Dave Zweifel

Gov. Jim Doyle this week made it quite clear that state employees -- those state employees lucky enough to keep their jobs -- will have to go without pay raises during the next two years. In this economy, no one should expect to get higher wages from the state, the governor understandably said. No one, that is, except state legislators. read story

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Nearly 2,000 crop production experts saw, listened and learned at the Wisconsin Crop Management Conference.

Cross Country: It's tough to be a farmer if you don't understand high-tech

John F. Oncken

The farming side of the huge agricultural world is high-tech and complicated. No longer does a profitable farmer simply plow, plant and hope for the best. read story

John Nichols: George Bush's indefensible final act

John Nichols

The president awarded the nation's highest civilian honor to a South American strongman whose government maintains links with right-wing paramilitary death squads that have killed, maimed and displaced thousands of labor organizers, civil rights activists, political dissenters and advocates for democracy. read story

Business Beat: Economic crisis should spark consolidation

Mike Ivey

Of all the ideas that have come out of the Great Recession, the one I'm liking best is more cooperation between Wisconsin and Minnesota. With both states facing huge budget deficits and struggling economies, Gov. Jim Doyle and Tim Pawlenty announced Tuesday they hope to save money by jointly purchasing products and services. read story

Behind the Mike: Raftery has a way with words

Mike Lucas

With a twinkle in his eye -- and with a little dipsy-do -- Bill Raftery was painting a word picture in response to a question about his signature catch phrases. As a college basketball and NBA analyst, his brush strokes have been among the most recognizable and memorable in television sports. read story

Dave Zweifel's Plain Talk: GOP clings to Reagan myth

Dave Zweifel

The six candidates for the chair of the Republican National Committee who appeared before the National Press Club last week were asked who in their opinion was the best ever Republican president. read story © Capital Newspapers